chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!


I got it today. I am setting it up tomorrow, Saturday, and will promptly take pictures! I am moving most of my sand, plus new sand, and most of my live rock, plus new live rock, into it tomorrow and I am going to let it cycle/die off/cure/get ready and I will put my fishies and corals in it probably at the end of the week after I run tests. If tests are all clear, then they will move in!


Yeah, this came with no instructions. It isn't extremely hard to figure things out, but it makes it take longer and I like to be sure. It is now set up but no salt water until tomorrow, I didn't get it built in time to run to the fish store and get water in it. I will post pics when I get water in it tomorrow.


The tanks are excellent. Good build. Everything is fully assembled except the stand. I had to look up pics online to make sure I was doing it right. But, I think they get their stand from Asia. The tanks is amazing.
Got water in it today and all new live rock in there as well. I was going to put my live rock in there but there are bristle worms and hair algae on it so I said screw it, and bought new live rock.
I am waiting to post pics until I get my rockscape perfect!


I have thought out my fish list. Tell me what y'all think:
Maroon clown
Yellow goby
Coral beauty
Mandarin - will add later after my tank is established
Blue Chromis
Royal Gamma


Active Member
Exciting, can't wait to see pictures!
Oh yeah and btw just a friendly reminder that your anem will not necesarily stay put where you place it if it feels like wandering. (per your thoughts on where to put it in the tank)


Alright, the miracle mud finally settled in the refugium and I am going to add clean up crew tomorrow morning. I should be transferring my two fishies over mid next week. I have everything the way I want it so I will take a pic tomorrow!
I am extremely proud of my aqua-scaping if I do say so myself! Wait until you see!


Active Member
your KILLIN me!!!! LOL...I just found this thread , I am also looking at the cad! cant make up my mind between the 22gal and the 39 pro. I know its a BIG diff. in price. If I get the sig. or the 22gal , I will have more money for coral's. HMMM... in the mean time any feedback from you would be GREAT!! Looking forward to some pic's

small triggers

Active Member
i really need some pictures,, you didnt take any while setting it up???? GEEZZZZZZZZ get with it man!!!!

and by the way


Pictures as promised! I went ahead and added all my corals and just a few cuc as well as my cleaner and peppermint shrimp. I also went ahead and added my tiny goby in because he needed a little vaca from clown. Clown and anem are still in the other tank with most of my cuc.



Active Member
In pictures this tank looks tall , but in the description on their site it says 24x20x20...%% can you tell me what the LxWxH of your tank is? it would really help me decide with one I want. Thanks!
ANd of couse..... It looks amazing!!!!


Active Member
hmmm...what happened? ....sorry I am like a little kid! lol I want to know so I can make up my mind


Hey sorry! When I get home tonight, after LOST, I will measure it and post it for you. It looks square to me (the entire tank) but with the refugium in the back, the display tank is taller than deep.
Quick update:
My anem and clown are still in the other tank awaiting their new home but I want to get my coral beauty in first so that it can establish it's territory before the clown does so. I will get the coral beauty and some more corals at the end of this week!