chaseter's 39G CAD Nano Take Two!


Bad news. Came home today at lunch and the angel was deadzo. I have no idea why it would have died. It was lively and always out and about and I even saw it last night swimming around. Any ideas? It wasn't sick last night and didn't have any markings what so ever. Sorta pissed that $50 is down le toilet.


Nope. If he was sick, then he wouldn't have been lively at the LFS or when I brought him home. Something happened to him over night and I have no idea. If something was in my tank, my other fishies would die off and the water quality is pristine. All parameter are in check.
I got him out and did a water change. He had been in there a few hours because his eyes were glossed over and the cuc had picked at him a bit. I am stumped.


Update time!
I was sad that the flame bit the dust so I went out and got a wrasse. He looked amazing at the LFS. I put him in a few days ago and he completely disappeared. I mean he has vanished. I moved some of the rocks and still nothing. He didn't jump out and he isn't in the back fuge. I am completely dumb struck with my recent bad events with new fish. It is completely anger inducing that he is probably dead and cuc food. My clown and my goby and my two chromises are still going strong.
I got a baby rose anem that is probably half an inch to one inch big and it is amazing. I wanted to see if my nems would reproduce once this one gets bigger and it is hilarious to watch the clown go to the tiny anemone as if it was his baby and just rub his head a bit in it and then dart back to his big rose. I will post pics soon.


Active Member
it sucks to know that is happening to your fish. what could it be????
cant wait for some pics.
and the fish thing happend to me once. i bought a half black tang and it died a week later, then a mimic tang and it died a month later, then a black and white clown it also died with the cardinals!!!!
wish you luck!


I have no idea what is happening to them. I heard some loud clicking and I thought I have a coral banded shrimp and that he was the possible cause of death but I found out that it was my bullseye pistol shrimp and my goby would have been dead weeks ago. My clown, goby, and chromises stand resilient and all of my params are pitch perfect (I got an auto top off btw), do weekly water changes of 12%, feed once a day, the whole nine yards.
Who knows!?!??!?!?!? I am going to try once more with another wrasse that I am getting online and then if it dies, I will stick with the fish I have and start getting expensive corals instead of expensive fish.


Active Member
really weird!!!! wish you luck bro!

let me know how it goes with the new wrasse.
also as well how is the tank doing????


Everything with the tank is perfect. Everything is doing great aside from those two fish deaths. Nothing smells and the trates aren't up so the dang wrasse could still be kicking but I doubt it as I have seen hide nor scale of the thing.


What kind of Wrasse do you have?
Many Wrasse species like to hide under the sand. Quite possible your fish is under the dust.


Not of the is totally gone. I have no idea where it is.
Updated tank shot. I added some more corals! Sun coral, purple flowerpot, red ricordea!


I think I discovered what makes a bta un bubble. I had it by my clown's other nem and it was bubbled until the clown started to check on it and rub over it. I would venture a guess to say that the clown's secret a chemical that makes the nem open up. I moved the baby rose to the other side of the aquarium to test my theory. The clown won't love on it over there.


If I had to guess what happened to your fish, I would say they accidently brushed up against the bubble tip. That is tight quarters for that anemone and those active fish.


The clown doesn't let any fish go any where near his nem. That baby nem is way tiny and it wouldn't hurt anything. It is less than an inch. Also, as soon as I put the wrasse in, he darted to the bottom and I never saw him again. I only assume he wedged himself somewhere in a rock and died. But, my trates never went up and I had no bad smells so I am totally bewildered.