Here is an updated tank shot. I have had the tank nearly 7 months:
gold banded maroon
yellow watchmen goby
barber goby
They all were out to say hi!
cleaner shrimp
peppermint shrimp
bullseye pistol shrimp
emeral crab
star fish...I have one big one and at least 10 baby ones running around
various clean up crew
orange ricordea
blue ricordea
candy cane (grew from 2 heads to 4!)
2 hammer corals (1 with green tips, 1 with purple tips)
yellow polyps
I plan on upgrading to a 34 gallon RedSeaMax this summer! I am still battling green hair algae but it is more in control than it was before. Still trying not to use chemicals. I use a toothbrush to scrub it down and I still do weekly water changes and have had zero deaths since my first anem.