Cheapest way to run carbon?


Whats the cheapest way to run carbon. I am semi-familiar with the methods.
I know you can..
Put a pad in your sump. im told its less effective as water just goes around the pad. How much are these pads and is it even worth bothering to do it this way?
run it in a canister filter?(Can you tell me how this works or how to run it through and maybe how much these are..)
Any other information on running carbon would be great, as everyone advises it but not many elaborate on the specifics on how to use it and what it requires. Thanks!


Well, HOB canister filters to run carbon can be had for $60 or so. If you have a sump, you can put some carbon in some panty hose and stick it in between some baffles, this worked well for me. Passively filtering with carbon is pretty useless.


Active Member
I use the Marineland Tidepool sump. It wouldn't have been my 1st choice but as it turns out it works really well for using carbon and other media. The trays are in the larger section on the left.


My LFS sells carbon in bulk, so I could just go buy some bulk carbon, throw it in panty hose, throw those into a baffle and change it once a month and be good?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dstoneburg
My LFS sells carbon in bulk, so I could just go buy some bulk carbon, throw it in panty hose, throw those into a baffle and change it once a month and be good?
I wouldn't run carbon all month. I'd stick to 2 weeks a month max.


Your best way would be to buy a phosphate reactor for 30 dollars and a 400 maxijet pump for 11 dollars. Hook these up in your sump and fill the phosphate reactor with carbon.
Water always travels the path of least resistence. So even it you had it in a baffle it would probally still go around the carbon instead of through it.
If you want to run carbon you mise well do it effiently and get the most bang for your buck. A phophate reactor would be your answer.
Yea my spelling is horrible, can't think this morning, no coffee yet.


Active Member
From what I've learned, carbon is only good for 24-36 hours and should only be run when needed.


Active Member
I run Two Little Fishies HydroCarbon. It is very high quality and appears to be safe to run all the time. I change mine about every 2-3 months. That is what was recommended and I have done it ever since. It depends on the quality of the carbon I guess. From what I was told Hydrocarbon is the best of quality.


Active Member
Carbon lasts a max of 2 weeks in saltwater. Carbon can leach phosphates if it is activated with acid. Always test new batches of carbon, even from the same manufacturer.


I dont believe, or I didn't catch, why it is that you want to run carbon. Carbon is only used in SW to remove chemicals or to polish the water.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
From what I've learned, carbon is only good for 24-36 hours and should only be run when needed.
Thats exactly what Bob Fenner has found


yes carbon will only hold so much junk after it gets full it will push it all back into the tank and cause your water quality to go down rapidly.
24-36 hours is the most I would run it for that reason more than that its going to be do anything worth having it in there.


Im really looking to polish the water, So say run it for 1-2 days every few weeks? I went ahead and did the phosban reactor btw :).


Also lets say I run it for two days, and im my water as clear as I would like it to be, can I change the carbon and run it another two days?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
Carbon can leach phosphates.
This is apparently true but "Two Little Fishies" states thier Hydrocarbon will NOT. I run it for a pretty long period of time and have had no problems. Hydrocarbon is suppose to have all the benefits of carbon without the cons of carbon. This is stated by them. I would have to say so far I believe them.


If it was me, this is what i would do. Get myself a two little fishies phosban reactor with a maxi jet powerhead. And buy me some purigen or chemipure and run that thru the po4 reactor. This does not have to be changed out as often as carbon.