Check out the white frogspawn...


Yeah, I got it's under PCs. I threw in some DTs last night, think I should try to spot feed it as well?


OK, I fed it some chopped krill last night and I'll give it some mysis today. It's already getting streaks of tan and light brown in it, so hopefully it's on its way back. It's really opening up well which I hope is a good sign.


Active Member
I've never had a coral lose it's zooxanthalle before, however, it may take more than two weeks under the most prestine conditions. I'd read up and do some research on it.


I had a huge one do this.It took about 2 months for it to show signs of recovery.My bleaching out was due to sustained high temps in the tank.Here's what it looked like at the time.


Originally Posted by chinnyr
I had a huge one do this.It took about 2 months for it to show signs of recovery.My bleaching out was due to sustained high temps in the tank.Here's what it looked like at the time.
Very Nice tank.


Took about 3 weeks for mine to recover when it happened.
Another ?? i recently had all 8 of my bubble tips bleach out in my frag tank, i am believeing it is do to the lack of lighting. I recently upgraded the lights, but the bubbletips are still white. They will not eat foods, but they do open up and still bubble. Do you think they ever get there colors back?


Hey quil? Are you up for maybe fraggin' that frog in a few months and trading it for a goronian frag or some zoos? I live up here as well and I have not been able to get a frog frag yet


I have a hammer that when I got it, it was white. Put it up high in the tank under 130 PC, stayed white. About 3 months later moved some rock around and moved it down lower in the tank. It is now a very dark green with pink tips, has split heads and is growing like crazy. I think it was up to high even for PC lighting, because as soon as I lowered it, it started to color up. I know some people think that you can only have corals under Hali's, but mine are absolutely beautiful and growing like crazy under my PC lighting.