check this out if you run MJ powerheads on a wave maker


Active Member
I saw the guy at the new LFS do this today with an old MJ powerhead. He cut the output off the impeller housing and switched the powerhead off and on. It would shoot to the right, turn off, turn on and it shoots to the left. Eveytime he turned it on and off the direction would change. Its a pretty neat mod if you run MJ's on a wave maker.
If you run 2 powerheads it alomst like running for with this mod
I heard it was posted on another BB. I've never seen it so I thought I would share it with the guysgals here who run this stuff.
here's a picture of the housing before it was cut


Active Member
I read about this on the other BB and from what I read its a good mod for larger tanks but smaller tanks the flow can be a problem. I've heard that it works on all Maxi Jets.


Active Member

Originally posted by fishking
so all u do is cut the output off

Originally posted by Fishman830

that's it you just cut it off?

All you do it was you see in the pictures...that's it


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
maybe i am a little dense... but how does that create a SS effect?

Your not that dense....who said anything about SS?
If you have MJ's and you run em on a wave maker just try it. The only thing that I can think of is the impeller turns the opposite way each time it starts up, so it throws the stream to the left one time and to the right the next.
I watch a guy at the LFS do and I came home and did it myself.



Originally posted by golfish
The only thing that I can think of is the impeller turns the opposite way each time it starts up, so it throws the stream to the left one time and to the right the next.

thats exactly how it works. depending on where the impeller stops will determine whcih way the magnet will spin the impeller once it starts again (clockwise or counterclockwise)
i dont think each time it will be the opposite direction but over numerous stops and starts i think the percentage will come out to be %50.


I have this mod on one of my MJ1200s. it works great.
it directs the water about 45 deg off center left or right depending on which way the impeler is spinning.


Active Member
I just did some trading with a buddy a little while ago, we were playing around with it for a few minutes, It switched directions every single time.
jauringer, would you say the flowgph is effected any?


golfish, I don't think the Flow rate is affected at all; however, it enlarge the exit so the flow is a little more broad. It actually seems to be a little better that the piercing flow of a normal 1200.


Active Member
hell yeah, i just got the wavemaster pro for my b-day. i'm currently running 2 1200's in my 55, and it definitely takes some tweaking so that i'm not blasting anything; this should work out very well. thanks for posting and thanks for bumping the thread for me :D greg


Active Member
It pretty much doubles up the area covered by your powerheads. Only draw back is you need a wave maker. I would also think a digital timer would work pretty good.


hey i just tried that with those glassin plug in timers and maxijets 1200 on my 55g....I have one power head on one timer...the other two on the other........I have it so the two powerheads are always one during the day while the other one switches flow every 15 night i have it so one power head is always on but they swich flow every 30 minutes or so.....its awesome