New Member
I need to raise my pH and lower my KH at the same time. Any of you seasoned chemistry wizards know how to accomplish this? any suggestions will be much appreciated. Kent Superbuffer just makes matters worse (raises KH and Alk even higher) I tried plain sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) but as you know the raise in ph is only temporary. The high KH is also affecting Calcium levels negatively.
Tank specs: 55 gal reef 5 sm fish, many inverts, live rock, established 1 year, Ehiem Pro, Remora skimmer w/ carbon filtration, UV, 4 powerheards behind Wavemaster Pro. Amo 0, nitites 0, nitrates <15, calcium 330, Kh 17! (want lower 8-10) , ph 7.95, (want higher 8.1-8.3), use RO/DI and Kent Seasalt exclusively.
Tank specs: 55 gal reef 5 sm fish, many inverts, live rock, established 1 year, Ehiem Pro, Remora skimmer w/ carbon filtration, UV, 4 powerheards behind Wavemaster Pro. Amo 0, nitites 0, nitrates <15, calcium 330, Kh 17! (want lower 8-10) , ph 7.95, (want higher 8.1-8.3), use RO/DI and Kent Seasalt exclusively.