Chem-Marin Stop Parasites



I was just wondering who has tried this and what results they had?


Staff member
The results are good but unless you address the underlying cause of the cyanobacteria, it will return. Check out the red slime thread in the Archives.


Originally Posted by bkneeland
I was just wondering who has tried this and what results they had?
I have used this product. You should know that it does NOT kill ick, it helps knock it off of the body of the fish. Do your fish have ich now? Let us kow what is going on.


ive used it....
works great. Thought it had solved my problem.
it will make your fish immune to ich.. if you follow the directions about using it for five days.... the ich will still be able to attach to them but it wont kill the fish.. like it would normally do.... ... and the ich will harrass the fish as long as its in your tank.. the fish will fight it off... it will attack it again a few days later....... til you finally decide to do something about it and help the little poor guys out and buy a small QT tank and get rid of the ich once and for all.

and it says its reef safe............ it is.. doesnt bother or harm shrimp or any inverts, but corals dont seem to like it very much, stresses them out.


Active Member
This product "works" for some and does not for others. In saying that it works, it does not kill ich whatsoever. It helps get the ich off the fish and give them some temporary relief. In the end though, you need a permanent fix for ich. They are copper or hyposalinity.


well here is whats going on, i have a 125 gal tank with a yellow tang, a porc. puffer, 2 damsels, 5 cromis, and 1 dragonette. There is also several crabs, lots of snails, a choc. chip star 130 lbs of live rock and 100 lbs live sand. Last week i added a sand sifting star. everything else has been in there for alteast 2 months. Then this weekend i noticed the tang and puffer have little white spots on them. what should i do, the only tank i have for QT is a 15 gal, which is probably too small to do everything.


Active Member
Ah, then you should not have a problem using the quarantine tank for about 6 weeks. Your average LFS may have this number of fish in the tank for that long. You should not have a problem. The only two really big fish are the tang and puffer. Put them in the QT, perform hyposalinity on them, and leave the display fishless for 6 weeks (with the exception of the mandarin and inverts).


what should i do with the chromis and the damsels, leave them in the display? won't they also get ich?


Active Member
No, move them to the QT also. I mis-worded my last reply to you. All fish that can host ich need to be treated. I was just saying that the only fish you need to worry about being stressed out in the smaller tank are the tang and puffer.
For that reason, be extra careful to keep the water quality high.


OK, thanks for the help....maybe i will go get a bigger QT tank today before i start this


if i get a 30 gallon and remove the water and a power filter from my DT would this be a good way to start the cycle in the new tank, then can i just move the fish from one to the other for hypo


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkneeland
if i get a 30 gallon and remove the water and a power filter from my DT would this be a good way to start the cycle in the new tank, then can i just move the fish from one to the other for hypo
Yes, this would be excellent. If you move a filter from the display onto the quarantine and it has a nice sized-piece of media, you will not see a cycle in the 30 gallon.


great, then that is what i will to the store for another tank, the wife should love this!!!! wish me luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bkneeland
great, then that is what i will to the store for another tank, the wife should love this!!!! wish me luck!
Good luck!! Just tell her that it is only to help the fish get better!


when i said it works great, i was being sarcastic.
It does not do what it says it does, it does not get rid of ich.


Staff member
There are other threads on reef safe meds located in the FAQ Thread that show others experiences with these types of meds.