chemi-pure elite


Active Member
Anyone here use Chemi-Pure Elite and what are your thoughts on this product??
I am looking at putting this into my 5.5 gal nano to replace the carbon I have been using the past 5 years and was told this is great stuff.
Oh, and I do replace the carbon often.....



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Anyone here use Chemi-Pure Elite and what are your thoughts on this product??
I am looking at putting this into my 5.5 gal nano to replace the carbon I have been using the past 5 years and was told this is great stuff.
Oh, and I do replace the carbon often.....

I would run both, LOL I did run both, now I use Purigen and carbon.


I started using chemi=pure elite 6 months ago when I was having a BAD Hair algae issue in my 225G. After using it I no longer have the HA...Not saying it was ALL the chemipure....I was doing a lot of work too, but I do believe it helped.....I noticed some HA coming back a couple fo weeks ago, and changed my chemeipure elite....and now it is gone again.....
depending on your tank, will dictate how often to change says you can wait 6 months...IME I should change it in 4...


it's great stuff as long as you don't use it on tank that houses fish with closed opercula such as SH and many fish from the scorpionfish family (to name a few), as Ferric Iron Oxide has been known to cause gill irritation. if you house any such fish, it's best to use regular chemi-pure and a Ferric oxide hydroxide product such as PhosBan or Rowa Phos.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I don't have any issues with my tank using carbon just thought that the chemipure might last longer than the carbon does.