Chili Coral


Chili coral is listed as easy...anyone have any experience with it, and if so, would you mind sharing your thoughts about it?
Mine didn't like a lot of light and pretty much withered away no matter where I put it. So I put it in my sump with no light and it is thriving.
I have kept a lot more difficult corals easier than this one. IME


Active Member
Mine was dying in my display. Has lived a long long time in my LR storage tank that has no light.


Well thanks...I really don't want to spend a lot of money on something that will be under my cabinet.


Active Member
I was thinking about getting a chili, too. Not much fun if you have to keep them under the cabinet, though. I have a pretty big shelf I was going to place it under, but now I'm having second thoughts.


Yeah kinda changed my's on sale for $35 here, but not for under the cabinet. I want stuff I can enjoy.


hang it upside down in a cave. They like flow so make sure it has good circulation. They will open up with polyps and swell up.


Here is a picture of my chili coral. I had it in a cave in my 75g tank. The 75 was created to separate two rooms. I could see my tank from either side. So the cave was centered and allowed lots of water flow
Chili coral likes caves or dark areas, but water flowing completely over it. I have lots of people tell me they couldn't get chili coral to live. They had a dark spot and a power head right on it. This is not the same as letting water flow completely over it. I don't know why but it makes a difference.