Originally Posted by
florida joe
I don't understand did you mean to say that once treated you will still read ammonia, if so i understand what you are saying if not then i don't
Bang has it right only I didn't realize it was in code.
the seachem multitest ammonia test kit measures both locked and free ammonia.::
This kit measures total (NH3 and NH4+) and free ammonia (NH3 only) down to less than 0.05 mg/L and is virtually interference free in marine and fresh water. Free ammonia is the toxic form of ammonia (vs. ionized Ammonia NH4+ which is non-toxic) and thus it is much more important to keep an eye on the level of free ammonia in your system.
... (this kit)
can read levels of free ammonia while using ammonia removal products such as Prime®, Safe™, AmGuard™ and any similar ... products. The other kits (salicylate or Nessler based) determine the total ammonia by raising the pH of the test solution to 12 or greater. At this high pH all ammonia removal products will breakdown and rerelease the ammonia, thus giving you a false ammonia reading.
But that kit is more difficult to use and read. But i have used it in an emergency after I dosed ammonia lock products. In that emergency the API test kit pegged at way over 8ppm. But this kit showed it was almost totally locked up. And three fish I could not get out of the tank lived there for the week+ the ammonia tested that high with no heavy breathing.
That said, in normal usage the standard ammonia test kits are fine.
my .02