choosing corals


OK, I just went through all of the corals offered on this site and made a list of the ones I really like based on the pictures. I have a 37g (24x18x21") with a 130w PC light - 65w 10,000k daylight, 65w true actinic. I know I'm able to keep most LPS and some softies but I don't exactly know what is what so here's the list and hopefully everyone can make some suggestions on what will work in this setup. :)
Mushrooms (blue stripe, stripe, teal, ricordia)
Pink Finger
Plate (pink long tentacle)
Zoos (super orange, green eye)
Hammer (branching)
Bubble (green)
Brain (green closed, green moonstone, pink open, red)
Please, any suggestions at all, I want to do this right and have a nice set up. :yes:


Active Member
I don't know what a pink finger is. Go with a short tentacled plate, they're easier to keep. Everything else sounds fine. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by ivy2dw7
Just wondering, why skip the LT plate? Not that I desperately want it, just wanting to learn :)

For some reason they just don't do as well as short tentacled plates in home aquariums. :D


that is only 3.5 watts per gallon. I have 3.8 watts per gallon on my 29 gallon tank and I don't think my brain is getting enough light. I am upgrading in a few weeks and have moved the brain closer to the top of the tank, I hoping that will be ok until my 75 is ready.
Just my opinion, but I don't think that is enough light for a brain.
And if you want to keep mostly LPS I would try to get about 4.5 watts per gallon. I personally would try to up my light to about 175 watts. Buts that is just my opinion.