choosing the best filter for $

steven's un

I would just like to know what would be a good filter(prefer wet/dry) for a saltwater 55 gallon tank. if you feel like it tell me about the best protein skimmer too. Thanks. I really don't want to spend over 200 for filter. bye


The Emperor's are good filters, as well as the TetraTec's, which can also keep your temperature very stable by adding the optional heater module. Or, if you consider a canister filter, Fluval makes very good canister filters, although they can sometimes be a hassles to clean or change filter media, but overall work very well. But, these are just the tip of the iceberg in filtering. Are you planning on having sand and rock in your tank? If so, you may want to consider simply adding additional sand and rock to make your sand bed 4-6" deep and around 75# of rock, and get a good protein skimmer. This would be all you would need for filtering, as the rock and sand contain the bacteria needed to process waste products. With a good protein skimmer and good powerheads for movement, you would have a complete filtering system. In a 55, this would be my suggestion, as the additional rock and sand required to make it would not be any more expensive than buying a power filter, and you are likely to end up with that much rock anyway. HTH.
Bang Guy is half right. A dsb is a good PART of a filtration system. Live rock is also needed, IMO. Other PARTS of a filtration system, if you go filterless, is a sump, refugium, protien skimmer.
I have a 55, and things can go downhill very fast in such a small tank. A DSB is not the only thing needed.
I am switching over to dsb soon, but will add all the above, and may add my emperor 400 in the sump because I love the filter.
Not everyone has a 900 gallon sump/refugium as Bang Guy does.
Sorry, Bang Guy, didn't mean to flame. But, most people with a 55 are on a tight budget. Yes, I am assuming. Assume - ASS-U-ME. I think we have all heard that.


Ive got a 55fowlr with a penguin emporer400 and seaclone skimmer (good value) with no problems.


Active Member
Well, Guy is tank is less than a year old so I'm still running my Emperor 400 with the dsb....Once I'm absolutely sure my dsb is cranking I'll just go with that...I also skim 24/7, I have a seaclone skimmer


In my opinion you can't do it for under 200....if you want ease of maintenance, and full triple filtration, go with an ecosystem 60 and an aquaclear 500 (just foam). Nuttin else needed!


Active Member
dsb and good circulation, is the best you can get, lr helps as does a skimmer, but the dsb is much better than either. if you do not use a skimmer then a refugium is a good idea, but it can be done without, if you stock conservatively


I'll say it doesn't matter what filter you get as long as you get LR and a DSB. If you still choose to use a filter it will only be something extra not something required as your LR and DSB would provide all the needed filtration. I run a Fluval 404 just for circulation and to run carbon through when needed and have no problems with it though.