She LOVES kids, loves the water, and has the best temperament. She's the sweetest, smartest, most loving dog (Magnum is sweet & loving, but not that smart)
Temperament has a lot to do with how they are raised and trained. From day 1 Maui went everywhere with me, first day I got her she was at the beach, on a jet ski and a boat, so she had to like water! She loves going to the beach and running around in the water with me. She's the most obedient of my 3. I want to get her into therapy dog work, but she throws her weight around, and does the bully lean on people. We are working on that, but I don't want to bring her to a school or hospital and have her lean on an older person or sick kid. She's also real quick to flop over on her back for belly rubs, again, something else we are working on. Other than that she's the best. We have this incredible bond that I can't describe. She's my doggie soul mate.