Chromis Acting Weird


New Member
We've had our saltwater tank setup for 4 months, and have 6 fish in there. 2 Clownfish, 2 blue-green chromis, a six line wrasse, and a yellow watchman goby. All have been doing incredibly well until this morning. I woke up and the larger of the two blue-green chromis' was swimming in the front-right corner of the tank at the very top. I looked at him, he does not look different physically, there are no bite marks, or anything off about his appearance that we can see. He is still swimming just as fast as he normally does, however, he only swims vertically, and will not leave the corner. The other chromis comes near him, but when he gets too close, the one that won't leave the corner just swims faster (vertically) and the other one leaves him alone. I fed the fish this morning, he still did not leave the corner, even to eat, however, if food came near him, he did eat it. He's been in this corner for at least the past 5 hours now, we aren't quite sure what to do. Everything we've read online hasn't applied as of yet, he's not turning yellow (what happens when they mate according to what we've read), and he's not losing his color (also what appears to happen whenever they are stressed according to what we've read online). Nothing out of the ordinary in the tank either, we did a water change approximately 4 days ago, salinity levels and everything check out just fine, as they always have. The last thing I'd like to add is that I did take our net over near him, and I was able to get him to leave the corner (because the net was blocking it) but as soon as I pulled the net out, he went right back to it.
Just looking for your opinions / thoughts.
Thank you!


Active Member
six fish in four months is to much to fast you have to atleast wait one month inbetween and do a water change every month what are your parimeters


New Member
The chromis' have been in the tank for over a month and a half. What we have been doing is waiting approximately 1 month or so in between each addition, the two clownfish were added first, but after that it was one month between fish. Anyways, the chromis' have been in there for over a month and a half without any problems, so.. not sure why this one is acting strange all of a sudden. Salinity is at 1.023 currently, temp is around 77.8 to 78.3 constantly. We don't have a quarantine tank or anything currently, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be causing this fish to act strange, or anything we can do to help him out?
Thanks again!


From the sound of it, I want to say that i think thats pretty normal. I have 2 blue-green chromis also and they do some strange things. At night they always sleep in top corners of the tank or behind the powerheads. As soon as the lights shut off they freak and start doing strange things. Like you said, when the other chromis swims near it, it freaks and goes to another spot.
If the fish are eating, I think you are fine.


I have 6 chromis's. They are crazyyyyyy. they sleep vertically with their noses faced down. A couple swim in circles. They are just crazy fish. I agree if it is eating, hopefully things will be fine.


New Member
Well it has been close to three weeks since I posted the problem. The chromis is still sticking to the corners however, he is a lot more active than initially reported. Thanks for all of the replies to this thread, I will keep you all posted, but so far, everything seems to be going well.


New Member
It's been approximately 3 weeks since my initial post and the chromis is still staying in the corners, however, he is more and more active each day, and no one seems to be picking on him at all, and he is still eating. So far, everything seems to be fine. Thank you for all of the replies to this thread, I will keep you posted on the progress.


Active Member
I started with three Chromis, two were bigger than the third. The little guy was beat up I tried to catch him to save him. I haven't seen him for a month. Of the two remaining another one went missing for a few weeks, yesterday I saw him. They are funny fish, maybe he got caught up in some live rock.


LOL...I have 2 green chromis.....I started with 5 over 2 years ago. 1 died within 24 hours, another one after a year (I think it was attacked by killer damsels), and another a little after that just disappeared
SO the 2 I have left are always together, they are best buds LOL....I though about adding another, but why rock the boat

ANYWAY...I have a question....If I were to get 2 or 3 of the blue reef chromis....would they fight with the green?????
p.s. this is the 225G


Active Member
By what I know on fish is that is they are from the samefamily they may or may not just try it they are four bucks anyway and if they survive u get a prize now dont ya