Chromis Question?


I would like to get some schooling fish for my soon to be 150g, my question is would the green, purple, and blue reef Chromis get along and/or school together?
Or would I have to stick to one kind of Chromis to get them to school? Thanks for the help.


yeah... we went through this about a week ago. IMO Chromis are hit and miss. They may school. but they may also spend most of their time killing each other.
Try it until you get tired of them offing each other, or you may get lucky and have a nice happy family. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
I am debating a male anthia with about 3 females........I heard they tend to school when in purchased in a group like that.... ?????? not sure though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
I am debating a male anthia with about 3 females........I heard they tend to school when in purchased in a group like that.... ?????? not sure though.
even if u get 4 female anthias, one of them will turn into a male.


Watch what you put in with them, I had 7 chromis, 2 days ago, now i have none. Either the grouper, or my green wolf eel, or my lion at them
that was an expensive meal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
even if u get 4 female anthias, one of them will turn into a male.
You know I think I remember someone saying that to me, he has 1 male and 2 females and was looking at getting two more...saying more females would bring out the color and if the male died one of the females would morph....


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaliman33
Watch what you put in with them, I had 7 chromis, 2 days ago, now i have none. Either the grouper, or my green wolf eel, or my lion at them
that was an expensive meal.

I had 5 in mine and now have 2.....but I think it is the biggest chromis I have that was bullying and killing off the others...I see him chasing that last one all the time.

luca brasi

I've had luck introducing a lot of them at the same time(7). You have to have so many that the bully won't be able to pick on the same fish all of the time.


I've only got two and they get along just fine. The little one follows the bigger one around whenever they are not eating.


Active Member
I've had 3 green chromis together in my 75 for about 2 years now. No signs of aggression and no killing fields. I guess its really hit or miss with these guys.


New Member
I put 6 green chromis in a week ago. They were beautifully schooling together the first day! Woke up in the morning and one had disappeared - I still haven't found his body. I was gone from home for about 3 hours and when I came home another one was dead, laying on it's side on the sand. About an hour later I noticed another one hovering above the sand with nicks on it's side. By the time I got the QT ready to isolate him in he died too. Now I'm left with 3, one of them quite a bit bigger than the other 2, but these 3 seem to be getting along just fine. I would like to get rid of the big one but I can't catch him. I wish I had skipped them altogether.


ive got 5 blue's doing great, schooling together and being happy. they get along with the clowns with no aggression from either side
i had 5 chromis now have 2 with one on the vurge of dieing form the bigger many of them said its a hit and miss sorta of thing

bang guy

Originally Posted by kaliman33
Watch what you put in with them, I had 7 chromis, 2 days ago, now i have none. Either the grouper, or my green wolf eel, or my lion at them
that was an expensive meal.

You didn't predict the end result?