clam pics


Active Member
NMREEF,where did you get that clam in the first pic???? The 1 to the right...the other is a beauty also. I just have not seen that particular pattern before. Please let me know ...thanks.


Originally Posted by chilwil84
nm reef i thought you were banned for making our photography look like crap sweet pics as always
Not nice to joke like that since he did get banned.


Active Member
The crocea i posted earlier in this thread was taken under T5's, but like i said, depends on how much T5's you have.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Depends on how much lighting. I had mine under 8, 54watt bulbs and he did great.
I will have 14 39watt bulbs. Will that work? Also what is the care level of maxima clams and croceas?


Active Member
Are they T5 bulbs? If so, that would be more then enough light for either clam. Crocea prefer to be in the rockwork, I believe all other clams like the sand, but not sure since i have only crocea right now.


Speaking of Clams........How do you know if Cleaner Clams are still alive. The ones I got dug their way into my sandbed. I can't see them


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
The crocea i posted earlier in this thread was taken under T5's, but like i said, depends on how much T5's you have.
So how many watts per gallon did you have him under?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
I will have 14 39watt bulbs. Will that work? Also what is the care level of maxima clams and croceas?
you'll be fine kevin. derasa and squamosas are easy and should be kept on the sand. croceas and maximas are a little more difficult to care for (not too bad), and should be kept on the rock. of the last two the crocea is easier.