clam pics


Active Member
These are awesome. I'm definitely going to try a clam or two. I had NO idea that they were SO beautiful!! Awesome you guys. I'm glad I ordered my T5's today - I'll be a clam-man soon!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nick76
So how many watts per gallon did you have him under?
You can't go by watts per gallon with T5's, but it was 432 watts of T's, i had 2 units on a 150 DT. I now have it under MH and T5 cause one of my T5's broke, so i upgraded to MH and T5's.


Active Member
I know this thread is old, but it was the reason I got my first clam, so I wanted to post a couple pics. I sure hope I can have some as awesome as those above soon!



Active Member
Man those are awesome clams. I wish I could get one but I have PC lighting and just upgraded to that so I still have a couple more upgrades before I could take the plunge. Keep the pics coming, these are awesome!


Here are my two crocea clams. Took this pic this morning before the tank lights came on with just room lighting and the flash. They where the only clams open enough to grab a shot. I also have a deresa and a tiny blue maxima which is a little shy but will get shots of them soon.


Heres a better pic of the one crocea and one of my deresa and the best one I could get of the baby blue maxima



Active Member
Supalupa.....awesome deresa, I have never seen one with blue on the edges. Awesome find!!!
Take good care of it!!