clam placement


New Member
I just purchased a 2.5" maxima ultra clam. My question is where should I place it? In my substrate (live sand) or up on some of my LR close to my lights? I have 400W VHO as well as 10K MH lighting so I think my lighting is suffiecient wherever I place it. But I thought I read somewhere that some clams do good only on substrate and some on LR and some that can be placed on either. Any feedback would be appreciated. I am very new to the clam game. I presently have the clam placed on my substrate and it is wide open and active (it closes whenever a fish comes near). Is it better to leave it where it is for a while and move it later if I decide to do so, or just leave it where its at? Thanks.

bang guy

I believe Maxima's prefer to be in the rocks. I'd place it under the MH in the rocks but low enough where you can enjoy the colors. If it's too high the irridescence will not show up. they prefer to be cradled by rocks that they can dig into.
If the clam was NOT under intense light when you got it you will want to acclimate it to the higher lighting. Place it in a corner on the substrate and move it closer to the Mh every day until it's sitting where you want it. if it attaches to a rock on the way don't move it.
The picture you showed looks like a Squamosa to me. They prefer to be on the substrate once they are larger. Jon was referring to a Maxima.


Max, and corcea clams are found on the rock's in Nature, Squamosa and Dereasa, are found on the sand floor in nature. I also keep the Hipopus Hipopus clam and they also are found on the sand floor in nature.
I do how ever have a few Max on the sand but I place a rock under them so they have something to attach to and cover the rock up in the sand so you can't see it. But you must have very good lighting to reach the substarte enough to support these light loving Clams.
These Guy's are actualy on a rock.