clam sort of closed


my clam is mostly closed. Its alive cuz it closed all the way when a fish swims over it. IS it normal for it to stayed partially closed up for a day?


Active Member
a healthy clam shouldnt close when the light is on. anything harassing it? a clam that isnt harassed and open is a bad sign.



he closes all the way when a fish swims over it. He was closed yesterday too but he started to open and he had some sand on his mantle, like a fish pooped over him


ive been watching like a hawk and i noticed my cleaner wrasse likes to nip at his mantle a tad(picked at it once 3 seperate times) Also i moved my powerhead a bit so less water flow across him

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO the wrasse is not nipping at the clam intentionally you may not be supplying enough food for it and when you feed some food is landing on your clam, the wrasse can then irritate the mantel feeding off of it and and this stresses the clam


Active Member
How long has the clam been in the tank? It looks like it has decent growth on the shell, but I can't tell how close the far side is to that rock or if the rock is touching the shell based on that picture. A clearer picture might help, but from what I can make out of the mantle along the scutes, it looks like it might be "pinching" it up a little bit - I really can't tell from the picture though. Just the blue area (black), look like they have small folds in them along each scute.