CLAMS are ready!


Active Member
I am trying to keep the batting order as intact as I can. But with 400 million emails and 927 thousand PMs, that is rather difficult,
. Some clams I am putting aside based on what people said they were looking for. Another 10 or so clams are about to come below.
Basically if it's still there, it's not gone yet. I may breed these things, which is cool - that is where most of the interest is coming from, I have NEVER seen a single parasite and scrub these things down once a week as well as doing 55 gallon water changes in three different systems at the same time. The fact that these things should do very well in captive aquariums, people like I guess.
I also can't say it enough that they were raised on Tahitian Reef Blend (google Tahitian Reef Blend) and should be filter fed, these things have organs just like ours, kidneys, heart, muscles, digestive organs, etc.


Active Member
Yeah, thanks for the info on the feed. I already placed an order for it so I should have it around the time the clams arrive.
I really got so much out of our phone call that I didn't know before. Awesome stuff!


Active Member
And here we go. I have another Derasa left if anyone wants that. I didn't photograph it though.
Clams 10,11,12,13,14 - I think 12 is just WEIRD on this one because it looks like someone did a sloppy job painting it with a brush, LOL. It's turning green also. 14 is another crocea. I had to move this bugger and since then it has been gapeing a bit, it should make it through shipping - but if you are eyeballing it you may want to let me know and wait a week.



Active Member
I guess I need to wait a day or two and see if the moderators have objections before I resume selling them. I have been on this board and enjoyed it for way to long to get banned. Apparently, somehow, the acanlord that I sold months ago and the clams that I breed, somehow threw up a red flag. So everything is paused for right now. Just thought that since they are a little harder to find right now and I want to keep them on the reef, that I would come here to unload a portion of them.


Come on mods this is a great guy and he's doing us all wonders by breeding these clams. PLEASE let the thread go on!!!!
1 vote to keep going


Well, they haven't yanked the thread yet, guess that is a good think.
I vote let it go,,
why would you want to close the thread anyways?????


Active Member
lol, we never want to close threads. Sometimes we are forced to when the thread violates the rules.
In this case, Admin has said you are in the clear Candycane. Good luck with your clam propagation, looks like you are raising some beautiful species.


Candy cane put me down for the blackest one you have. I will trust you to pick the nicest black one you have.
Also I will get with sunhair about shipping, and we will get back to you soon.


Active Member
Thank you moderators. I will OCCASIONALY throw a clam or two that I rescued in to the batch, and I always lose money on them. But if I see a clam with a protozoan like pinched mantle, I will usually scoop it up and bring it back to health and sell it.
If the clam is a rescued clam, I will let someone know before they buy it. But the majority of them are tank bred. I only put the tank bred clams in certain tanks. These tanks will stand NO chance of having outside parasites enter them, the tanks are monitored extremely closely.
Outside of that, let the selling resume for anyone that wants to buy a clam. I still I got I think one derasa left, one crocea and the rest of the maximas that are above.


Active Member
Just got back from picking up my clams from candy. He went above and beyond to make sure all was right!

Acclimating right now and hope to have pics by tonight or tomorrow! I'm also very pleased with the size of these guys. LFS's around here would have marked them up 3x........
Thanks so much! Sorry about the ticket!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shaun Larlee
55 gal long my lights are t5 ho 54 x 6...if i can keep one ill take one!
How long have your levels been stable? I remember you having a brand new setup. You may want to wait just a bit more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
Thank you moderators. I will OCCASIONALY throw a clam or two that I rescued in to the batch, and I always lose money on them. But if I see a clam with a protozoan like pinched mantle, I will usually scoop it up and bring it back to health and sell it.
If the clam is a rescued clam, I will let someone know before they buy it. But the majority of them are tank bred. I only put the tank bred clams in certain tanks. These tanks will stand NO chance of having outside parasites enter them, the tanks are monitored extremely closely.
Outside of that, let the selling resume for anyone that wants to buy a clam. I still I got I think one derasa left, one crocea and the rest of the maximas that are above.
I think it is simply amazing that you are able to do this, can you maybe post in the aquaculturing section HOW you breed clams?