Clams & Xenias


ok. Yesterday was my wife's b-day so we went and got 9 corals for $99.00. Anyway, I got a little clam, a dorian I think. It's 1" long and the "meat" is blood red with blue stripes. It looked ok until this morning. It looks like my CBS has been picking at it and it's it looks almost dead. Anyone have this problem? Do you think I can keep it with my lights? If you don't suggest them with PCs, I'll take it back today.
Also, my xenias have been looking like crap since I've put the new lights on. Went from 40 watts to 110 watts. I only turned them on for 6 hours for the first couple of days. Do you think they don't like the light or are just getting used to it? I've fragged them and put some into my 10 gallon in hopes the weaker light will be better for them. Thanks in advance.


What height do you have them?
I have a Xenia Sp. and I have it about mid in a 55gal tank. He was just fine with the light, was growing well (until a water quality problem).
You might have one also - have you checked your pH, Ca level, alk level? Temp stable? What about NO3 or PO4? Do you have him in a "breeze"?
My tank has 2 6700k 65W PCs and 2 UltraActnic 65W PCs.
The clam - could be a combo of shrimp and poor water.
BTW- you got your coral from Jeffs in Gardena? What is the store like? I am headed there next week (I have online ordered once). Good Selection? Worth my trip?


Originally posted by psumba:
What height do you have them?
I have a Xenia Sp. and I have it about mid in a 55gal tank. He was just fine with the light, was growing well (until a water quality problem).
You might have one also - have you checked your pH, Ca level, alk level? Temp stable? What about NO3 or PO4? Do you have him in a "breeze"?
My tank has 2 6700k 65W PCs and 2 UltraActnic 65W PCs.
The clam - could be a combo of shrimp and poor water.
BTW- you got your coral from Jeffs in Gardena? What is the store like? I am headed there next week (I have online ordered once). Good Selection? Worth my trip?</strong><hr></blockquote>
psumba, My xenias are about midway in my 25 and are in a moderate current. My levels are good, except for a mini spike in ammonia. My ALK is good, ph is good, nitrates at 10 (always been there), picking up my phosphate and calcium tester today. They freaked out when I got my new lights. :( I sure hope the CBS isn't killing my clam. I think it's a baby Desara. I don't want it to die and I don't want to take it back and lose the $20 (but I'll lose the $20 to save it's life.) We moved it off of the sand, higher in the tank. Do they need sand?
Jeff's is where I got my corals. They have a great coral selection and invert selection. Their dry goods are UNBEATABLE in price (except for test kits) but DO NOT buy the fish. They ALWAYS have ich. Go in there and watch all the fish scratch on the substrate. Let me know when you'll be there and we can hook up.


I think it's probably your "slight ammonia spike" that made your clam take a turn for the worst. These guys require prestine water quality. I think you could keep this clam with the lighting you have. I keep one in the exact same setup I have 2 55 watt JBJ. I keep a maxima and it's doing awesome. I would try to get your ammonia down before adding anything else. HTH
p.s. watch you shrimp it might be him too.
Happy Fish Keepin'


Oh yeah check your calcium and keep that between 400-450ppm. That will help your clam too.
Happy Fish Keepin'


Originally posted by bammbamm74:
<strong>ok. Yesterday was my wife's b-day so we went and got 9 corals for $99.00. Anyway, I got a little clam, a dorian I think. It's 1" long and the "meat" is blood red with blue stripes. It looked ok until this morning. It looks like my CBS has been picking at it and it's it looks almost dead. Anyone have this problem? Do you think I can keep it with my lights? If you don't suggest them with PCs, I'll take it back today.
Also, my xenias have been looking like crap since I've put the new lights on. Went from 40 watts to 110 watts. I only turned them on for 6 hours for the first couple of days. Do you think they don't like the light or are just getting used to it? I've fragged them and put some into my 10 gallon in hopes the weaker light will be better for them. Thanks in advance.</strong><hr></blockquote>


I figured it might be the clam. Maybe I can move it to the 10 gallon for a couple of days until the ammonia goes down. I'll have my wife check the 10 gallon right now. I'll try to get some ammo-lock too. And I'm getting the calcium test today. I bought it Sat, but left it at Jeff's. :mad:


Originally posted by bammbamm74:
<strong>ok. Yesterday was my wife's b-day so we went and got 9 corals for $99.00. Anyway, I got a little clam, a dorian I think. It's 1" long and the "meat" is blood red with blue stripes. It looked ok until this morning. It looks like my CBS has been picking at it and it's it looks almost dead. Anyone have this problem? Do you think I can keep it with my lights? If you don't suggest them with PCs, I'll take it back today.
Also, my xenias have been looking like crap since I've put the new lights on. Went from 40 watts to 110 watts. I only turned them on for 6 hours for the first couple of days. Do you think they don't like the light or are just getting used to it? I've fragged them and put some into my 10 gallon in hopes the weaker light will be better for them. Thanks in advance.</strong><hr></blockquote>

<blockquote> It sounds like you have gotten good advise on the xenia, with out a doubt, it's your water quality. As long as you have it midway in your tank. On your clam, which it sounds to me like you are more concerned about. I have never had a problem with CBS and clams, though as you probably allready know, each is it's own. I think it is more likely that your tank has bristleworms. Predatory bristleworms can be a problem as they can crawl into the syphons and devour your clam from the inside. If your have added a clam before clearing for bristleworms then you've made a understandable mistake. To catch them cut a 1" PVC pipe, 6" long, cap both ends and drill a 1/16" hole on both caped ends. Bait with small piece
of shrimp, sqiud, mussel ect. Place in aquarium, a few if you can take out the next morning and dispose of bristleworms, don't touch them they can sting and believe me it hurts bad. I suggest you, in the middle of the night, take a flash light and catch the predators in the act. Pick them off with tweezers, so at least you can save your clam, if it's not to late. Don't be discouraged from clams please. They in my opinion are one of the easiest and most brilliant creatures for the reef tank owner. Clam basics: In the brightly-lit aquarium, the symbiotic algea within the mantle provide all the food a clam requires. Liquid foods tend to pollute the tank as they are difficult to regulate. You have an amnnia spike so don't egg it on. Moderate to intense lighting is essential. It is important that 10-12 hours of light falls directly onto the mantle every day. Clams suffer from very few diseases so long as water quality is high and water circulation is good. Ph should be maintained at 8.3. Strontium and molybdenum are needed to utilize calcium for shell growth. Iodine is needed to produce light-protective pigments. Good luck clearing predators.</blockquote>


Thanks for the info TANKS, actually, I'm VERY worried about my Xenias. They are so cool. I hope they live through the spike. The level is about .10 to .15ppm, really low, but not zero. I hope I don't have bristle worms. I will put the clam back on the sand in the front. I'll look tonight with a flashlight. I dose all the things you said, Stont, Iodine, I have phytoplex, coral vite, essential elements, microvert, turbo calcium. I just hope both of them pull through this.


Found out it was a Maxima Clam. Well, not anymore. :( I don't think it will make it. I got me a Phosphate test today too. Having the wife check nitrites and 'trates now.


bamm bamm
Is there any other stores in the LA area you think that I should check out for fish while I am there (of course they have to be willing to ship back to Boston for me).
That stinks that their fish get ick constantly. I was really excited to get one from them.
I dont know which day I am going yet - trying to figure out work schedule


Hey Psumba,
Circle Pet in Long Beach has the best. But, Jeff's moves a lot of fish. I just went there and his fish looked ok. You can buy, just be sure to quarantine. I don't know his shipping prices though. He has some baby Clown Gobies that were so cute. I almost got them for the 10 gallon. I might get 2 tomorrow, that's if my ammonia falls by then

kris walker

Active Member
Waterrat makes a good point. Xenia are pretty hardy for many people, including me. I just lost a bubble coral a few days ago, had a little ammonia spike for a couple of days, xenia were fine through the whole thing. I have about 8 independent stalks. If your spike wasn't very high or long, I would say that is not the cause. I bet they will do fine after they get settled to the new lights.


AMIR, I got my corals from an LFS. I was just thinking about it, I don't think I should put the website here because sells corals too. :D
WaterRat, My Xenias are Pulsing Xenias I've had for 2 months. They've split 3 times and my wife fragged them to get some in the weeker light in the 10 gallon. My water paramaters are getting better. Phosphates are high but I'm using Saliferts Phosphate remover until I get a phos sponge today. My Calcium is down to 290, but I'm using Kents Liquid Calcium to boost it. I added it twice yesterday over the course of 6 hours to get my Cal up to 290,(it was 250). I'll get some KALK today to help maintain it. I was thinking they are just in shock from the new lights. I'll keep you updated.


Sorry, the clam is dead now. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> I think I'll stay away from them for a while.


Bammbamm great deal 99 bucks for all your corals and I bet you'll get your tank water perfect with all the effort your putting in.
ED :p


My water is good. That salifert phosphate liquid worked awesome. Ammonia=0, well, almost 0. 'Trates at 20. Calcium at 290. I'm dosing Kent's Liquid Calcium but I'm going to get some Turbo Calcium today and some kalk. I would use the liquid reactor, but it buffers dKH and mine is at 14. Xenias are looking better and better, they're getting used to the light. Same with the sabae.
Bubble coral, looks good, but had red stringy stuff come out of it yesterday. It just looked like excrement.