It is a pretty fish, but $3600 for a fish, I would be too scared to put it in my tank, one false move and it could be $3600 down the toilet. But she is pretty, do they ussually go for that much?
Beautiful looking fish but I don't think it is worth anywhere close to that. There are so many fish that are just as nice that you could get for only a couple hundred dollars.
I had a clarion in QT on the coast and died from marine velvet before I received him. It was less than half that price.
They are well worth the money if you are an angel freak
Originally Posted by bandedsnakeeel http:///forum/post/2551731
that looks like a passer angelfish
The juveniles of the passer and clarion look kind of similar.
Originally Posted by CPG http:///forum/post/2552027
WOW...What a great looking fish...Too rich for my blood though...I will stick with my flame angel for $45
agree 3,600 is a waste. its a fish but some people buy them
the flame looks awesome if not better and its only 45$