Originally posted by MichaelTX
soft corals do not have a skeleton
True soft corals, according to the definition, all belong to the subclass Octocorallia. Many corals in the subclass Octocorallia, contain a hard calcium carbonate based skeleton, or a skeleton in some shape or form. Soft corals do not have to be "Soft," or lack the skeleton, to be considered a "Soft" coral. The Heliopora coerulea, Tubipora musica, and Gorgonians all fit in with soft corals, even though they have a skeleton.
I personally think the whole idea of this thread is quite general, and only gets into the basics of what everything really is, and what its requirements are esspecially when lighting comes in as a factor in care.
soft corals
do not have a skeleton
Anemones are not corals. They're actually inveritibrates.
Take Care,