Classifieds Seller's Feedback


Active Member
Ive been selling a Emporer 280 to thenamshow. I have had a great experience working with him. Matter of fact im shipping it to him monday. I would deffinatly do buisness with him again.


New Member
I purchased a spaghetti leather from AnthonyJC. It was a pleasure. I would definitely do business with him again. Easy going, phenomenal person. Great meeting you. Love your tank.


Active Member
Bought a 125tank, stand, canopy from Friction32....Awsome guy to deal with..Helped me load everything up and strap it all down...Even told me where to buy a Nintendo Wii


New Member
Hey guys & gals! Just thought you would like to know what the guarantee at "" is really like. Lesson learned QT regardless of where your fish come from.
I bought 3 tangs from them last week. #1 THEY WERE HALF THE SIZE, #2 TWO OF THEM WERE PRETTY BEAT UP, #3 they claim to QT their fish, and that you get nothing but healthy fish. Follow their acclimation procedures and you'll have no problems.
Not true!! Followed all of their steps, which are no different then what I do any way. And still two of them ended up with ich.
I feed my fish a variety of foods plus vitamins and garlic. THEY WERE NOT PICKED ON AT ALL. Now the pbt is missing which I know this means he is dead somewhere in the 200lbs of lr. In order to get a replacement I would have to take my tank apart to find it. Once found I would have to cover it in a thick layer of salt place it in 3 ziploc bags, and ship it back to them. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN, SO I'M OUT 49.99 FOR 1.5" PBT.
In any case here lies the problem. I wrote to them immediately, the first email was received by them without a problem as far as I can tell.
The second email has been returned to me by Mailer Demon stating that they are not receiving emails from me. That you may see that I have not written anything that should make them come to this decision I have inserted copies of the email I sent them, and what I received from Mailer Demon.
To whom it may concern: I am writing this email concerning the below order # 64910. I will make this as simple as I can. I didn't complain when the size of the fish was not what I was expecting, only the sailfin is the 3" described the other two are half the size. And further more, now I stand to loose all my fish because two of your fish have ich.
I chose to purchase my fish from your web site because I understood that you quarantine your fish, and I would be receiving healthy fish. Unfortunately this appears not to be the case. The fish arrived alive, were acclimated as specified on your web site; 1.5"(not even close to the 3" advertised on the web site) Powder Blue Tang 4+ hours, Sailfin Tang-Red Sea 4+ hours,1.5"(again as with the Pbt not as advertised) Tennent Tang 3+ hours. All the fish were properly acclimate as all my animals always are. I have been keeping fish for over 34 years, marine fish and invertebrates for over 6 years.
Now I come home check on my animals as always, and what do I find? The Powder Blue & the Sailfin both have ich. Now what am I suppose to do?
This is a 155 gallon reef filled with 200 pounds of live rock with corals attached to them, along with 3 wrasse, pt tang, yellow tang, 5 larytail anthias, 2 bartletts anthias, 3 blue/green chromis, a scooter blenny to name the ones that I can remember. There may be others that I've forgotten. Now I am expected to tear this tank apart to catch the fish and quarantine them and medicate them. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE.
I sincerely hope that you will have some advice, and or remedy this situation.
Be blessed,
Customer Information: Delivery Address:

Order information :
Order Id: 64910
Product Name: Quantity Price Per Unit
Powder Blue Tang 1 $49.99
Tennent Tang 1 $24.99
Sailfin Tang - Red Sea 1 $39.99
Total Shipping: $0.00 br />
Total Surcharge: $9.99
Total Fuel Charge: $9.99
Total Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $134.95
Payment method: Credit Card"
"The original message was received at Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:54:19 -0400 (EDT)
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Last-Attempt-Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:54:31 -0400 (EDT)


Active Member
I bought some Bulbs from ClownNut and while ran into some snags/damage in shipping.
Good Communication
Very nicley packaged
Easy going, we have another swap going as I type.


Originally Posted by Brandy
I still haven't heard back from :thinking:

well first of all I would like to point out to you that the email you are emailing them at is NOT their email address I dont know where you got that one but its
as far as the warranty you will need to take that up with them but it is clearly stated in the contact information part on the right side along with detailed instructions in the 15 day garuntee listed here guarantee
next thing to point out is you added 3 tangs to a tank with out QT after being stressed in shipping they are more susiptable to ich and the powders are even worse and is general knowledge that they are notorious for this.
I am going to take off your post and ask you to email SWF at the right email address and not at an AOL account that has nothing to do with SWF.


Active Member
very nice to deal with, shipped in a great package, and the rock/shrooms look great. hopefully you sell the rest of your rock and your move goes well.

jessi p

Good guy to do business with, very nicely packaged, will do business with again. Thanks for the halimeda! It's doing great.


Active Member
Got the rocks today, great quality and surprisingly no strong smell from the shipping :) box was wet and post lady didn't want to touch it though LOL.
hopefully your move is going smoothe


Active Member
Do not deal with this clown I bought a skimmer and pump from him,,,took a week to ship due to unable to find gaskets like he said he would...then he gives some story about how his friend got stabbed...not my fault
then the skimmer shows up broken and the pump is not working...and it is not even the pump he advertised.
And his response to this is that I need the money cause I haven't sold my skimmer yet....That has nothing to do with anything. Facts are facts and the pics speak for themselves....He is just trying to get out of refunding me. I want my money to be refunded cause I have had to order gaskets and try to fix pump and have had to weldon the skimmer back together...
and all he keeps saying is it is because I didnt sell my skimmer, which is a good thing cause the one I got from him is worthless.the pump was suppsed to be a 4mdqx and you can see by the pics, that that is not the case



Active Member
Before we get into this, you'd better remember that I have every email you ever sent me. So, think about that before throwing around false statements, John.
I offered to replace the gaskets for free, in my post. You said not to worry about it and ship anyway (I have that in email). I told you I would not ship until the money was transfered from my PayPal to my bank, because I didn't have the money to ship beforehand. You agreed to that and told me it was fine (I have that in email). I received your payment, into my PayPal on May 10th and made you full aware that PayPal takes 3 - 4 business days to transfer funds...with you said was fine.
You sent money thru PayPal on Thursday, May 10th. The PayPal was transfered into my bank account on Monday, May 14th and I shipped the skimmer on Wednesday, May 16th. You received the skimmer on Friday, May 18th.
The way the box was packed (stuffed full of packing peanuts), there was no way that part of the skimmer was broken...especially after you admitted to me that there was no damage to the box (also have that in email). For that part to be broken, the whole box would've had to have been crushed because that flange was in the center of the box, under at least 6" of packing peanuts.
You claimed that the pump was not working, but did not notify me of this until days after you received it when I know full well it was working fine (I started the pump not even an hour before I shipped it and it worked fine). Then, you email me again saying the pump was working (I have that in email) and now it's not...make up your mind.
I've tried to rationalize with you and try to come to some conclusion, but the only thing I get from you, in email, is you cursing at me, calling me derogatory names (I have all of those emails too).
It just seems weird to me that you said you were buying my skimmer to replace yours, that you supposedly already had sold. I even went to the trouble of paying more money to ship, so you'd have my skimmer earlier because you said your buyer was coming to pick yours up earlier (have that in email). Then, when you finally admitted that you didn't sell yours, all the sudden there are all kinds of things with mine.
With the way you've been acting, I wouldn't be surprised if you broke the items on purpose, just to try to get a refund, when you couldn't sell your own skimmer. All of the sudden, you're stuck with two skimmers and don't know what to do. Weird that all kinds of things were mysteriously wrong with my skimmer, when your buyer backed out of buying yours.
On top of all of the above, you didn't even pay what I was asking. My first price was $250 (plus shipping), then I knocked it down to $225 (plus shipping). I got $213 (INCLUDING SHIPPING) out of you, because you said you didn't have enough money to spend $225. I was doing you a favor and this is how I get repaid.
I've sold and shipped to BellaNevis and RSlinger, on here and have nothing but good reports about my items and the way they were shipped.
Sorry for your troubles. You can go ahead with the dispute from PayPal. I've already contacted them...but, don't hold your breath waiting for a refund.


Active Member
are you actually silly enuf to think that I broke it on purpose???I have also had dealings with other members on here and have not made a dime off of them. I have talked on the phone and emails with several people to help them with problems and never once for my own gain.
Like I said to you many times, me selling my other skimmer has nothing to do with it. And also , you did not address the model of the pump at all. Are you disputing that fact also???
you act like I am out to get something for nothing,,,wrong. As far as the price of the skimmer goes, sure I EDITED
you down as far as I could. But I also paid you immediatley and had to wait a week for ya to ship it. Once the money is in your paypal acct. It is yours, and you should have shipped when you said.
as far as the gaskets go, the reason I said to ship it without, is because I was tired of waiting on you to ship and hearing your lame excuses why you hadn't.
So in the end, once I again I will say, I have a broken skimmer that I had to repair with weldon and buy gaskets ofr to fix and a pump that was not the one you said it was 325 gph difference in models, and it doesnt work anyway.
You give me my money back and I will sebnd your skimmer and pump back to ya....then you can do what ya want with it. And I will buy a nother skimmer from someone reputable.
And as far as cursing at ya, I really dont think calling you a jackass is cursing.. EDITED

There is no need for the racist comments or the cursing. Please keep that off the message board. Thank you.


Active Member
This will be the last time I talk about this. Everyone else I've ever dealt with has had no complaints. Nor have they fabricated lies about our transaction. My advice to you...don't purchase something, if you don't have the money. In the event that you have to sell something first, before purchasing something from someone...make sure it's really sold before you buy something else and then want a refund when you can't sell your item(s).
I don't know how many times it needs to be said before you understand it...I have more than one email, with you saying you were fine with me shipping, after the money was transfered into my bank account. If you need me to, I'll creat a nice little presentation, with said emails and my replies. Numerous emails, with you calling me quite a bit more than "jackass". Numerous names, in numerous emails.
The wrong model? You've had this thing for almost an entire week and now you're saying it's the wrong model? What's next, John...maybe it's the wrong color? wanted it yellow and it's black? Maybe the cord is only 3' long and not 4' long? Gimme a break.
Just to help close this rediculous situation...PayPal has emailed me twice in less than 2 hours. The first one said you had filed a dispute against me. I replied to that email. Within an hour, I received another email saying that they were sorry to inconvienance me and that they were not forgoing with an investigation.
Better luck with the next person you try to screw over.
In addition...I do not appreciate your racist comments.
Originally Posted by joncat24
As far as the price of the skimmer goes, sure I jewed you down as far as I could.


Active Member
As far as the wrong model on the pump goes, it was a few days before I noticed it because I was too busy ordering parts to fix the broken skimmer. And I am not jusy saying it is not the same model as you said it was, I posted pics for you and everyone else to see. The model number is clearly shown in the pic.
I understand that you are gonna try and put it off on me to make yourself not look like such a deadbeat, which is why I posted the pics.
You can say what you like but a picture speaks a thousand words.
And yes I did curse you some in the mails, so what. If you had delivered what you said you would, everything would have been fine.
There is no way you can spin this that makes you anything else but a liar. I have multiple dealings with peeeps on here and never any problems til you.
Ask DSkrezyna+++ I fixed some pumps for him that he mailed me at no cost whatsoever just to help someone out. Alos ask AGB1 who I was on the phone with for an hour and several mails to try and help her with a problem,,,and the list goes on.....


this clown riped me off 225$ and JY13131 375$....i sent the money to him on the 15th of april, he received it the 23rd, cashed the MO on the has been disconnected, no responce to emails...there is a investigation with the state/local police...
I'll post his Address once i get home this weekend.


aw2x3 and joncat24 This has went downhill fast for you 2 guys both of you have been on the board long enough to understand that the feedback is just that feedback if you have ruff dealings with someone by all means post the problem along with any good dealings.
Now between you 2 it has escalated from the first posting of this situation to name calling and racial undertones. It will not be tolerated. I am not sideing with either of you guys because all I know is what is posted on here. That being said please take it to email or any other agency that you guys wish to and not on the forums past this. I hope that you guys understand that this forum is not to settle a dispute that arises.
This does bring up a good reminder for everyone. ALWAYS check out who you are paying there has been alot of I paid and didnt receive or it wasnt as represented etcc.. IF you choose to buy from someone its buyer beware SWF and the mods can do nothing for either party if the deal doesnt go as planned.