clean up crew


Hi, I have a 48 gallon live sand and live rock aquarium. I was just wondering what is a good clean up crew for my tank? meaning snails , crabs, fish, anything that is helpful for my tank.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!!!
I would go with Nassarius Snails, Red or Blue leg Hermits and some type of small Conch to start out with.


Active Member
I personally would go with 15-20 hermits, Nassarius Snails, 1 or 2 emerald crabs, a few conchs, a few turbos and a peppermint shrimp or two to control aptasia...but i like a heavily stocked CUC. What are your stocklist plans?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I personally would go with 15-20 hermits, Nassarius Snails, 1 or 2 emerald crabs, a few conchs, a few turbos and a peppermint shrimp or two to control aptasia...but i like a heavily stocked CUC. What are your stocklist plans?
LOL...that's an awful lot to add at first...
How old is the tank? do you have anything in it at all???


id go with-
5+ nass snails for the sandbed
15+ turbo snails for the glass/rocks
5 hermits (not too many, they kill the snails)
2 emerald crabs
maybe a cleaner shrimp?


Active Member
IMO 15 turbos for that tank is too many. I'd go with 2-3 turbos, 20-30 astreas or certs... and I don't care if my hermits take out a snail or two.... I like hermits and think they're worth it.
In a mature tank I honestly think you can do an astrea/hermit per gallon safely. You'll lose a couple of them along the way in the natural order of things.


5+ nass snails for the sandbed
5+ Atlantci grazers...great algae eaters
2 emerald crabs
Peppermiont shrimp and/or cleaner shrimp


i have 40lbs live rock, 40lbs live sand. maroon clownfish, arrow crab cause i thought he would eat my bristle worms but he doesnt. 1 turbo crab and 2 nass snails. I was worried i was putting to many fish and stuff in there. I dont know what is to much though.