cleaner clam

sea horse

I would like to get some cleaner clams too. Which clam does the best job of cleaning? Are the cherry ones red?


Originally Posted by sea horse
I would like to get some cleaner clams too. Which clam does the best job of cleaning? Are the cherry ones red?
I use the littleneck clams because they are smaller. I figure if one dies, less will rot. Plus, you dont want to overuse them, or else all of your phyto and other organics will be filtered from your water, leaving little behind for dusters corals etc. I also use the littlenecks because they look more like what i think a "good clam" looks like.
All of that said, use whatever you think looks best
i doubt it matters terribly IMO. If someone knows otherwise PLEASE correct me because i am no expert on clams which would otherwise be deep fried or in chowder. ***)


Active Member
cherrystones?! i live in a town that used to be called clamtown and cherrys are about 3-4 incnes wide and an inch or so thick, they are the next smaller from chowder must mean littlenecks anybody in new england ever use soft clams or pisslams (dicey word and bad speller)


I just picked up 2 littlenecks at the store. They're in my tank and seem to be doing fine. Only $.37 each. A hermit went to investigate, but I think he won't do too much damage. Let's watch those nitrates drop.


Active Member
I also bought the little necks. I got 5 and all are doing good. Got them from the same seafood counter i buy my 2 shrimp and 2 scallops to make fish food.


Originally Posted by tscuda
Not all clams sold at the store are salt water. Ask 1st. And put the in a QT to make sure.
Usually though freshwater clams are labled "Freshwater Clams" because they cook a little different. But your right, better to ask any way than have a dead clam in your tank!


Bought some littlenecks from the grocery today, and they are great! Super cheap! Thanks for the idea.


Originally Posted by MOPARDWH
Bought some littlenecks from the grocery today, and they are great! Super cheap! Thanks for the idea.
Yea, I dont know how the ones on this site are any different... They just say "Cleaner Clam" which could mean anything... Funny how it looks EXACTLY like a littleneck though haha. Lets see... $5.99 or $0.37 hemmm... I think youd have to be a real sucker to buy one off this site.


Active Member
I got 2 littles=necks from the supermarket and one died. The one that's alive looks exactly like the one on this site. Although I have a 90 gallon, I have so much rock, the area across the middle of the tank was big enough for him to make about a 8 inch circle so he just goes around in a circle and leaves a circle track in the sand. I would take a picture of him but he is under the sand all the time.


Active Member
so is there a general rule of thumb for how many to put in per gallon, I was going to put like 4 or 5 in my 210, was just wondering?


Active Member
I would make sure they have room under the sand to move but as far as how many per gallon I really couldn't say for sure. My guess would be that 4 or 5 would be fine for a 210.


i just started up my 75 can i put these guys in already everything is pretty much cylce and i live way inland like western kentucky... do you think walmart sells them