Cleaner Shrimp Carrying eggs


New Member
I have a Cleaner Shrimp that is carrying eggs around. What are the chances that they survive? I have a yellow tang, blue hippo, marine betta, 4 clowns,
a blenny, gobie, bristle star, coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, 10 emerald crabs, a lobster, and 50 or so assorted hermits.


Active Member
they'll most likely become fish food. id say less than 1% chance of survival.

bang guy

In a reef tank I would give them a 0.0000000% chance of survival.
In a seperate standard aquarium I'd give them a 0.05% chance.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
In a reef tank I would give them a 0.0000000% chance of survival.
In a seperate standard aquarium I'd give them a 0.05% chance.
yup, very hard to do.