just got home to see my cleaner shrimp release more than 200 little baby shrimps. they looked lyk clear brine shrimp but more distinctive as a cleaner shrimp. unfortunatly, all the fish ate it all :nope: anyone ever seen this?
My peppermints had some too. I was looking in my refuge laste night and saw a whole mess of these little shrimp swimming around. I'm going to check again tonight and see if any are left. If so I'll get some baby pics. I also saw some other clear crab lookin things I'd like to get a pic of but they are so small I don't know if it will work . Congrats on your babies...all my peppermints are from SWF.com also..
My LFS raises some very small organisms(not sure what they are called) to feed percula fry. They need low flow, and probably need to be put in a seperate tank where no fish will eat them.
Thats just my guess.:thinking: