cleaner shrimp help


New Member
i just got my first cleaner shrimp its really neat but i was readding on the internet and they said they need iodine supplements were do i get it and how much and often do i use it .if you own or know about skunk cleaner shrimp please let me know so i can make sure i keep mine healthy thank you...


you need nothing the salts we use contain enough and without testing it is potentially leIhal
I have 3 cleaner shrimp they go out and eat with my fish so no special needs


Active Member
I stopped doing W/C and just dropped a teaspoon in my tank once a month of iodine ( u can get it at any reef shop ) My shrimps prior to me selling them trippled or more in size over the 8 months or so I had them.


Active Member
i agree with popular opinion. forgive me fats, but that is very dangerous to do.


Active Member
No need to ask for forgiveness bro. Your opinions an experiance are always welcome and needed :)
I have not had any issues to date and hope not too. I started working at marineland here in florida and hope to gain half the knowledge as you and others here.
The way I was doing it on my one tank was different than the others. I have been doing them all different or was. I had a good year with my stuff but that is not too say down the roa it would not have been bad.
Anyway, I agree with everyone here as well as it is the best way to do it but in the case he or she was in a bind and needed a quick fix wich does not solve the problem it can work.

bang guy

My biggest concern with your method is that it may encourage a new hobbiest to add Iodine without testing. It is very easy to overdose and the results would be very bad for all Crustaceans. As you probably know from your experiences at Marineland, Iodine is highly toxic to Crustaceans at levels not much higher than NSW levels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
My biggest concern with your method is that it may encourage a new hobbiest to add Iodine without testing. It is very easy to overdose and the results would be very bad for all Crustaceans. As you probably know from your experiences at Marineland, Iodine is highly toxic to Crustaceans at levels not much higher than NSW levels.
You are right. Everyone should know never to dose anything without testing it period.
My experience at Marineland is pretty much none existent at this point I just started but knew already about Iodine.