cleaner shrimp lost an eye

Can a cleaner shrimp regrow an eye; my little guy looks like he lost one; I know they can regrow legs, but I dont know about eyes.

bang guy

I don't think so but to be honest I really don't know. If you see a new eye in the next couple months please let me know.
He has molted now and indeed he is growing what looks to be a new eye. It is about half the size and a little wierd color but I am pretty sure its an eye.

bang guy

Originally Posted by <scuba steve>
He has molted now and indeed he is growing what looks to be a new eye. It is about half the size and a little wierd color but I am pretty sure its an eye.
That's amazing! Thank you for getting back.
Originally Posted by copperhead3690
that's the wildest thing i've heard, how did he lose his eye?
My dottyback doesnt like him cleaning him, but the shrimp keeps trying lol. So just about once a molt he is regrowing a leg/arm lol