Cleaner shrimp question?


hey i got a cleaner shrimp about a week and a half ago... hes doing great, always eatin and movin around n such, i was just wodnering how long it would be before i saw him clean one of my fish, i see him try cause my fish swim near and he moves his antennae toward them... seems like my fish and kinda shy/scared of him... any one with any experience in this area? ive sen it happen in aquaria maybe i just saw a really rare occurance? thanks


oh um, its the skunk one. and the fish are around 2 inches each, and the shrimp is of the same size, maybe a bit bigger


Active Member
I've had my tank for four months, three not couting the cycle. I introduced two clowns and a cleaner a the same time, and I've never seen him clean them. Also, they probably don't have any parasites on them, thank heavens. However, stick your hand in your tank and see if your shrimp will clean YOU. lol Mine does, it's the wierdest feeling. Everytime I go to move a peice of rock or flip a snail back over, there he is saying hello. ^_^


yea i gues that makes sence, but i thought they cleaned off dead tissue n stuff as well... oh well, i like him any way! and yes i have had him clean my hand, silly little guy!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Cleaner shrimp will clean fish if they dont have a parasite. You hope your fish dont because a cleaner shrimp wouldnt cure it anyway.

bang guy

Originally Posted by MattH2181
oh um, its the skunk one. and the fish are around 2 inches each, and the shrimp is of the same size, maybe a bit bigger
When the fish get to 4 inches they'll be a lot more receptive to getting cleaned.
Clownfish are rarely receptive to being cleaned.


Speaking of cleaner shrimp.....

I was going to get one but the guy at the LFS said that they usually don't eat flakes and such and if the fish don't have parasites they will slowly starve? Is that true?
Also, do they get along with peppermint shrimp?
They are about $30 a pop at my LFS and I don't want to spend that kind of money if above said is true. I do think they are really cool.


Originally Posted by QuiltingMom
Speaking of cleaner shrimp.....

I was going to get one but the guy at the LFS said that they usually don't eat flakes and such and if the fish don't have parasites they will slowly starve? Is that true?
Also, do they get along with peppermint shrimp?
They are about $30 a pop at my LFS and I don't want to spend that kind of money if above said is true. I do think they are really cool.
My cleaners will eat anything I put in the tank...flake, pellet, mysis. They go crazy as soon as food hits the water. I don't have any peps, so I can't help you there.
Also, $30 seems a bit on the high end. Do you have more than 1 store you can check with? I got one of my cleaners from SWF for $15, but I had to buy a few more items to make the shipping even out.


It depends on the fish. In my tank, some fish go up to the cleaner shrimp, some don't. The foxface and tang go to get cleaned the most, so does the sargassum trigger and queen angel. The other fish, I never saw go to get cleaned.

bang guy

Originally Posted by QuiltingMom
Speaking of cleaner shrimp.....

I was going to get one but the guy at the LFS said that they usually don't eat flakes and such and if the fish don't have parasites they will slowly starve? Is that true?
Also, do they get along with peppermint shrimp?
They are about $30 a pop at my LFS and I don't want to spend that kind of money if above said is true. I do think they are really cool.

I agree with cajonez, Cleaner Shrimp will almost never starve because they are true omnivores. They will eat algae, fish food, carrion, pods, nearly anything organic.
Peppermint Shrimp are a species of Cleaner Shrimp. All Cleaner Shrimp Species (Lysmata sp.) can peacefully coexist providing they are about the same size. They will prey on shrimp that are too small to fight back even within their own species.


Originally Posted by cajonez
My cleaners will eat anything I put in the tank...flake, pellet, mysis. They go crazy as soon as food hits the water. I don't have any peps, so I can't help you there.
Also, $30 seems a bit on the high end. Do you have more than 1 store you can check with? I got one of my cleaners from SWF for $15, but I had to buy a few more items to make the shipping even out.
Unfortunately this is the only store that specializes in saltwater tanks. Their reputation is great and to me, that's most important. They are a little on the pricey side but I really don't have much choice. I will get a cleaner shrimp next time I go, I think. Thanks for the heads up; I wasn't sure about what to feed them but it doesn't seem to be as big as a problem as I had anticipated. My other 2 peppermint shrimp are doing great and they do share a cave with a watchman goby; he does not seem to mind.

bang guy

Originally Posted by QuiltingMom
Unfortunately this is the only store that specializes in saltwater tanks. Their reputation is great and to me, that's most important. They are a little on the pricey side but I really don't have much choice. I will get a cleaner shrimp next time I go, I think. Thanks for the heads up; I wasn't sure about what to feed them but it doesn't seem to be as big as a problem as I had anticipated. My other 2 peppermint shrimp are doing great and they do share a cave with a watchman goby; he does not seem to mind.

Peppermint Shrimp are naturally nocturnal. If you want to see more of them start hand feeding them. They will eventually learn to come and greet you when you show up.