Cleaner shrimp-shedding skin


When a cleaner sheds its skin, does it shed everything including the antennas.... I found what looked like the outside of a cleaner stuck in the powerhead, but I was surprised to also see it's long antennas also, so I was wondering if they also shed this????


Originally Posted by bigarn
yep ... it will shed everything during a molt.

Thanx... I didn't want to lose this one, the first day that I fed the tank with him in it, he ran up the side , tredded water on his back at the top of the tank, than got on my hand and took a pellet before making his way back to the bottom.... gotta love these shrimp
same thing happened to me this morning, i thought he was dead, hanging from a tall rock in the middle of my tank, antenea and all!!
but, there he was in his little cleaning station just fine.