Cleaner Shrimp


I just got my cleaner shrimp today from my LFS. So far so good, my clarkii loves him. The damsel, not so much, but it doesnt bother the shrimp at all. Hes eating and looks pretty healthy. My only concern is something that is on him. He has what looks like a snail on him, its like a tannish blob on the side of his stomach, im going to post pictures of it in a few minutes, does anyone have any idea while you wait?


Active Member
hmmm that is strange, I would have to say I have not seen anything like that on any cleaner shrimp I have ever seen.
sorry I am no help.....


New Member
I got my cleaner shrimp last Sat., it has the same thing as yours. Can someone tell us what it is? Thanks!


i have no friggin idea... i've never seen a cleaner shrimp like this before!
When i put my hand in the tank, my cleaner jumps into it and tries to clean me... will yours come near you? if he does, i'd suggest trying to touch it to see if it comes off... If not, i'd try to take it back to the LFS and exchange it, incase it's something bad.
sorry i could not be more help.


Im afraid if i touch it or try to pull it off its going to hurt him. Hes doing quite well in the tank, hes eating, the clarkii wont leave him alone. He loves that shrimp. I really think its some sort of snail.


Active Member
I would suggest looking at the hitchhiker thread. Hopefully, NMreef, beth, ophuria, bang etc. some serious experience will see this and can help ya out. My guess; flatworm? or that snail that really don't look like it has a shell?


I think its the way the camera took the picture, because the think on his side is shiny. Its not a flatworm. Its just a blob, a round blob, it doesnt move much or at all.
And i checked the hitchhikers guide, i coundnt find anything that looked like this. Could it be an egg?


New Member
My cleaning shrimp was "molting" (removed its restricting shell and began a new one) this morning. However, the thing is still there. I think it is from inside.


That/This is so weird. I cant figure out for the life of me what these things are. Im just glad its not disturbing him. I dont think he could be eating or taking care of the fish if it bothered him...


Active Member
it looks like a shrimp tumor isopod. near impossible to remove, not immediately deadly, and will not infect other shrimp, thank goodness. As the shrimp mo;ts it molts also and it is a bloodsucker, the first infection is usually female, then the offspring are male that attach themselves to the female, producing new ones that continue to attach to the original female, making the group get bigger and bigger overtime.


When you say its not immediately deathly, what does that mean? does this mean it wont kill the shrimp, but it wont help it either, or will it ultimately lead to its death. I dont want to return it, weve bonded. He crawled on my hand under water and as ive said before, my clown fish adores him.