cleaner shrimp


i have been hearing mixed reports about if these can be aquacultured. my LFS says that most are because they are so easy to raise, and there are many web sites about breeding them. bang says that they are not aquacultured, and a store that i went to yesterday said that they never make it passed the 3rd molt. i would love to get one of these for my nano, but can't get one if it is not tank raised. everything else in my tank is aquacultured. please clarify this for me.


Active Member
I cant offer any help as to weather or not they are tank raised but I do question why you cant add one anyway. My 2 perculas are tank raised and my cleaner shrimp is perfectly fine with them. Maybe I am misunderstanding you.


Active Member
Thats what i thought but I am confused as to why a cleaner shrimp tank raised or not would pose an issue when false perculas and cleaner shrimp are always put together.


I don't think you're understanding his question...
He wants to know if Cleaner Shrimp are aquacultured so he can put one in his aquacultured-only-tank. Not if they are safe together.
Tmgpp, I have never heard of anybody successfully raising shrimp larvae. They are just too delicate and too tiny to raise.


Active Member
Hmmm I do understand that but here is my question. In the Aquatacltured tank, if you were to have 2 false percs in your tank and thats all, then you would essentially have a totally aquatacultured tank right? So, the introduction of a cleaner shrimp which appears that there are none that are aquaticultered would be bad. However tons of people in here including myself have that same combo 2 false percs and a cleaner shrimp. What I am confused about is the fact that he seems to think he cant have one cuz they are not compatable with aquatacultured fish. I am saying how can that be given the above circumstanses.


Active Member
My compatability assumption was based on this statement "i would love to get one of these for my nano, but can't get one if it is not tank raised. everything else in my tank is aquacultured." What other reason would there be that he couldnt have one? Other than compatability? Unless he just doesnt want to have aquatacultured mixed with wild caught. I am just trying to understand his delema. If they are compatable then why cant he have one?


it is not that i can't, it is more that i won't. i know that it dosn't matter to the clowns if the shrimp in wild or not, but it matters to me. i want my tank to be zero impact



Good decision tmgpp, MOST of my tank is aquacultured, with the exception of a colony of star polyps and a Domino Damsel, which I doubt the wild reef misses anyhow.

bang guy

As far as I know the only species of Cleaner Shrimp currently being aquacultured is Lysmata wurdemanni (Caribbean Peppermint Shrimp) and that is on a very small scale. If you are patient and ask around a lot you may be able to obtain a couple of these Peppermint Shrimp. I don't believe any of the other Cleaner Shrimp species are commercially available.
I've raised a few hundred of these myself. It's too labor intensive to be worthwhile large scale IMO.