Cleaner shrimp.



When we bought two cleaner shrimp they died that day.
Anybody know why?
Our water parameters are just right but the shrimps keep on dying.
weve had 5 shrimp die now in the past year.


Where did you buy your shrimps???
LFS in Victoria?? I live in Vancouver, maybe I can help you out a bit. It maybe the LFS problem. Maybe buy them at another LFS. :)

reef fool

Active Member
IME, I would say it was acclimation.
Did you drip tank water or pour small amounts of tank water in with them for at least 2 hours? Did you keep their water temp constant and close to the tank temp?
Shrimp are very touchy when it comes to changes in water conditions and temp. I killed the first pair of cleaners I bought also because the moron I bought them from did not tell me to acclimate them longer than fish.

bang guy


Originally posted by jumpfrog
Has copper ever been used in the tank?

This is the question I would ask.
Can you post your water parameters? "Just Right" is subject to interpretation.

madd catt

I would go with what the others above have stated it seems that this type of shrimp does not acclimate as well and appears to be nervous than the shrimp such as peperment and such,wating longer and mixing the water slowly may work and keep the lights out even all day for the shrimp to get used to there aquarium.
I had the same problem with cleaner shrimp as well as peppermint. One died within an hour. The others did ok for the first couple of days. At the time I had a Lunar wrasse in the tank and my lfs said it would be ok with the shrimp. After all the shrimp mysteriously disappeared I did some research and then went to another store and was told that lunar wrasses eat shrimp. In fact that particular store fed their Lunar Wrasses live shrimp.
Live and learn I guess!


i'm not saying u should do this but it worked for me.. so far i've had 6 different cleaner shrimp.. 3 that have lived and 3 that have died.. this is the part that gets interesting... the 3 that lived were all dumped threw a net and tossed in when they got home.. no accimilation what so ever.. the 3 that died... 1st was 1.5hour accimilation.. lasted about 3 hours.. next was a 2 hour accimilation.. lasted about 22 hrs... so next was a 2.5 hr accimilation... about a day here too.. the last 2 i bought i dumped threw a net and tossed em in tank.. never mixed the water from lfs into tank.. they're still alive and doing great.. the first one i bougth that lived was a pyscho shrimp that ate snails and blue leg and scarlet crabs.. took him back to lfs... he was alive


I did the same thing as you did Redawg. Last time I forgot two cleaners in the car for 3 hrs plus and I was afraid that they didn't have enough oxygen and I just net them in right away. One got unfortunate that he got sucked in by the powerless filter and the other is still alive. :)


limit the acclimation time to about 30 min. too long in a bag can be stressful, turn off the lights on 1 side of the tank put the bag in, then wait 10 min. pour 1 ladleful of water in the bag wait 5 do this again then pour some out then put more tank water in then dump him in. leave lights off for at least 1/2 hour
this worked for me and my shrimp is doing great

reef fool

Active Member
IMHO, Acclimation is best done in a bucket with a small heater and a dripine. If you get a piece of 1/4" hard plastic tubing (Heat and bend the tubing in a U shape), about 3-4 feet of airline and a small air valve. Start a siphon from the display to the bucket with a steady drip regulated by the valve. The heater is very important to maintain your display tank/or QT temp in the bucket. Works great and haven't lost a single fish/invert due to improper acclimation since I've been doing it this way.
IMO, putting the bag from theLFS in your tank to acclimate is crazy!
Here is a pic of the dripline:


sorry i am away fromthetank right now.
im having my friend look after it and he said he waited only 30 min.
i dont know the right ph but thats what he told me "Just right"