cleaner shrimp

My cleaner shripm is full of eggs and i was trying to come up with a way i caould save them from being eaten when the shrip lets them out......any suggestions??
I was thinking about a breeding net like the one for fresh you think that will work??
I was wondering the same thing i just picked up one today and got it home it was loaded with eggs!!!!!!!:eek: There were to so i am guessing the other is a male so i am definently going back to get him. I have a breeder for fresh water fish that I'm going to use unless some one tells me otherwise.:confused: GOOD LUCK.:)

bang guy

Just let them get eaten. They're no use at all if they're sitting dead in a breeder net.
fishtanknewbi - Don't be too surprised if your "male" shrimp is carrying eggs in a few weeks. They are Hermaphrodites.

nm reef

Active Member
Because its very difficult to care for them....provide food and rear them to adulthood. Mine hatch fairly often and provides another link in the food chain.Maybe some day with luck one will find a spot to hide....find enough food to live on...and suprise me with a third cleaner shrimp. But I doubt that'll happen...they no sooner hatch than the beasts of the reef start munchin'...:cool: