cleaner shrimp


does a cleaner shrimp, really clean fish from desease? or is it just a name that the darn thing is stuck with.


Active Member
I would love to know that too, if its truth or fiction. All I know is, our fish literally take turns with our CS. He is very busy. Even when we get in the tank to clean, he tries to jump on our hands or arms and starts "cleaning". Thank goodness our hands/arms are clean.;)

bang guy

Yes, all Cleaner Shrimp eat parasites. This includes all 3 species of Peppermint Shrimp, Scarlet Cleaners and the Blood Shrimp.


Active Member
Great picture....someone here not too long ago posted a pic of their CS giving their watchman some dental work:D It was fantastic!!
Ok, now can I ask a dumb a parasite considered a
disease?? Is a parasite only external? We have been very fortunate not to have many problems (knock knock, throwing salt over my shoulder). So I am alway trying to read here about what can go on.
Sometime I might try to find that pic for you, or someone may know which one I am talking about.

bang guy

For some reason we consider some parasites diseases. Like Ick. There are internal parisites but they are difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat.

Originally posted by lovethesea
Thanks!! Ok, now, what is on your avatar?? fish eye? fish egg?
human eye?
just curious...:D

he's been getting that a lot :D


Active Member
sorry! Cool though, I will have to look up what that is. So I won't ask if thats how you came up with your name.
THANKS, you guys always keep it interesting. :D