Cleaning Glass???



That does look pretty good!
I use windex on the lower half and wipe all of my tank. Always have. If it gets into your tank, it's no more ammonia than fish pee...
But I also like and use more frequently, the squeegy. I got mine at target in the shower and bath section. Comes with a little suction cup to hang it on the side of the tank and everything.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lil.guppy
I wet a paper towel with windex away from the tank.
I have never heard of windex being a no no.
Educate me please
A fellow at my LFS insists that glass absorbs chemicals and told me that if I had ever cleaned my tank with Windex that I had to replace my fish tank.
Now at the time I just thought that he believed I was stupid and just trying to sell me a fish tank. I told him that if glass absorbs that my fish are doomed because the grandkids smeared spaghetti sauce all over it.
Turns out the fellow is Jewish, Ashkenazi (German line) they believe that glass absorbs, so they do not use the same glasses with a dairy meal as they do with a meat meal. Keeping kosher means they do not mix meat and dairy foods.
He was carrying over his religious beliefs into his job. He really thinks that since Windex is poison to a fish tank that you can't clean the glass with it because glass absorbs. So he tells people to toss the fish tank if it was ever cleaned with Windex.
At least I am not mad at him anymore. He was not trying to take advantage trying to sell me something I didn't need, but really believed it.


The only thing you might have a problem with using windex is if you get it in your tank like someone's girlfriend did here awhile back then she replaced the dt water with freshwater. Besides I don't even think that windex would be THAT harmful aren't the active ingredients amonia and vinigar.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by kmart189
The only thing you might have a problem with using windex is if you get it in your tank like someone's girlfriend did here awhile back then she replaced the dt water with freshwater. Besides I don't even think that windex would be THAT harmful aren't the active ingredients amonia and vinigar.
Ammonia is deadly to a fish tank. Windex is concentrated, Fish pee is not like a drop of Windex. Also the sprayer sends out thousands of drops not just one. Try spraying Windex at home on a mirror and not get it on everything within a foots range.
If you do use Windex make sure you don't get it in the tank. The spray it on a paper towel then wipe the glass is fine. ( Any German Jews here don't look, it will just upset you)
Rather than even take a chance, people do not have even have it near the tank in case it falls in, gets sprayed in by another person, or children. It is not worth the possible disaster.
With all the thousands of dollars and man hours spent on a tank, why even play with such a possibility?

blue oasis

I never use windex or glass plus on or near my tank. I always use vinger with water and a paper towel to clean the glass.


Like everyone else, I use windex and newspaper, but sprayed on the newspaper away from the tank to avoid tank issues.
Another tip, clean the glass when the lights are off (just like cleaning the windows on a cloudy day... the windex doesn't evaporate quite as quickly and is less likely to streak)


Active Member
Originally Posted by dabnub
NOT suggesting that you spit on your tank or anything

I will!
Nothing cleans like enzymes!

Where do you think the term "spit shine" came from?
I spit all over mine.

+1 on newspaper.
There it is...spit and the sports section!