Cloudy tank


Greetings! New to the SW addiction and hope I have the patience for it.
1st off, thank you all in advance for your message board writings. They have all assisted me in starting my 1st 30gal SW FOWLR aquarium.
Got the Salt and water mixed 30 hours ago and my local pet/LFS (Live Fish Store I assume) said it was OK to put in some LR now.
My tank is still a little cloudy, and the Whisper 30 filter I have is being replaced on Thurs. by a new 55 gal Filter/skimmer combo unit. My 400 Powerhead is flowing and all the prelimnary tests of the Alk, Nitrates/nitrites and pH look w/ in limited this early.
Salinity is at 1.022 and pretty steady.
My concern: Is if the LR is safe this early in the cycle? :help:
Remember, I'm a newbie at this so be gentle. :)
Thanks again for your thoughts and input on these boards.


Active Member
This is the time to add the LR .... If the rock is uncured you can use it to cycle with. If it's already cured you might want to consider a raw uncooked shrimp to cycle with. Just remember to wait until the ammonia and nitrites spike and go to 0 and nitrates are 20 or less before you add critters. :D
Good Luck and Welcome! :joy:


Love teh Flying Shark Big. Thanks for the Info. That was my thought, but didn't want to kill my LR and it's inhabitants. I was wondering about the Raw Shrip also. So now is the time to do it then. I assume it is a raw full size shrimp w/ head. No cocktail from the fridge??? hehehhe Thanks.
Also, my progression thought after 100% cycle is Damsels (4) and Cleaner Shrimp (2-3) and Emerald Crabs (2). Is this a good starting mix before I introduce clowfish and other sea life to my tank?
Thanks. :joy:


Hi Dexter,
I also got a 30 gallon tank and I am still pretty new but I would recommend you to make out a complete list of the types of fishes you are wanting to put into the tank. For instance if you are planning on adding Damsels 4 -- I've been told by many that the recommended is either 3's, 5's, etc. I decided to just get 2 and the Damsels are getting along, except 1 is bosy and the other just accepts being bossed around. So it's your choice if you want to go with the recommended odd numbers. Now, if you got a 30 gallon like I do, the Damsels are small when you first buy it, but they will eventually get larger and if you are thinking about adding clowns, you definitely may want to consider getting a smaller amount of Damsels. As for your invertebrates, check out's package deals (just to give you an idea of what you may want to add for a clean up crew). You can either purchase their packaged set or you can order them from - I did and I was happy with my order. You would have to spend $80. to get the free shipping, but in comparison to my lfs, I can get a bunch of turbo snails here (10 for $10.00) vs. 3.49 each - LFS. It's important to get an adequate amount of clean up crew because they will eat excess foods.
Just passing along info, of what I learned!!! :) Good Luck :joy:


Clowfish --- clown fish??????? or Cow fish??????
I am not sure if you were intending to add a cowfish or a clown fish???? :thinking:
IF you are wanting to add a cowfish, a 30 gall would not be big enough for one, they get pretty large and it wouldnt work with 4 damsels you are thinking about !


i hated the damsels there a pain to get out and the 3 i had drove any other fish nuts i wait and just add the Clowns. my tank is happer now with out them.


Thanks for the replys all! sorry, my spell checker is not working :confused:
My thoughts were to have Damsels to make sure the levels were good before I added Clownfish :) not Cowfish.
I will definately search this site for package deals and see what they have. Money, right now, is not a problem, thank goodness, however, I am very aware the costs can escalate verry quickly.
I am quite pleased with my 30 gal so far, inadequate filter and all. Raw shrimp is in and ready to decompose. The cloudyness is fading and it is looking alot better.
LR has some algae on it and even a lil hermit crab and a muscle or two! sweet! :happy:
I guess I have a week or so of checking my levels until I can add a cleaing crew. I'll probebly go with the following after reading some sites and msg boards:
2 - 3 damsels
2 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
Thanks again for athe input! :happyfish


Active Member
i wouldnt start planing on the fish yet. i say that because when you see something else you like you have to change your list. i had the same problem. first i wanted a blue regal tang and some clowns and just damsels. then i wanted a dogface puffer but then i cant have the clowns and the tang. then i wanted a small lionfish. but then i couldnt get any damsels or the clowns. hope you get me point and one more thing PATIENCE IS THE KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL TANK!!!!! good luck and enjoy your adventure


The only thing that i would have to add is please don't use damsels if you can. Especially if you think you would take them out later. Damsels are very aggressive. Not all but most. They will be very crappy to fish you add later on. I started my tank with 2 domino's and 2 3-strip's to help cycle the tank and what not. It was world war 3 in my tank trying to get those suckers out. I messed up my whole aquascaping getting them out. Yeah they are hardy and nice to put in a new tank but most will say that Clownfish are just as hardy. So if you want clows anyways i say spend the extra 7 bucks per fish and just get the clowns to start or a more non-agressive chromis. Especially if the tank is already fully cycled. But tahts just my 2 cents.


Originally Posted by feixjai
i wouldnt start planing on the fish yet. i say that because when you see something else you like you have to change your list. i had the same problem. first i wanted a blue regal tang and some clowns and just damsels. then i wanted a dogface puffer but then i cant have the clowns and the tang. then i wanted a small lionfish. but then i couldnt get any damsels or the clowns. hope you get me point and one more thing PATIENCE IS THE KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL TANK!!!!! good luck and enjoy your adventure

Dexter, I sorta agree with feixjai, because as a beginner SWF starter, you sorta get really excited on the types of fishes you can possibly collect. The main challenge is getting your tank cycled, then adding a clean up crew, and then being ready to fill your tank with the types of fishes you want and the type of fishes you can have.
1. I would recommend learning about the water perimeters, changing water, filling water, salinity control, what to do if your readings are high, what is going on with Cloudy water (like your original post states) good observation!!!!
It seems as if you already got a test kit! But you will learn some test kits are not accurate, check this site for info about the different test kits!!
Also, Please don't use Damsels to cycle with -- please as many have said, use a piece of raw uncooked shrimp!! Inhumane - to Damsels - the damage they can undergo with the changing water conditions and the fact that they may be difficult to get out, and their possible aggression to the fishes you want to collect (clown). I got lucky, my damsels don't really pick on my clowns!!
2. your next step is to think about a good cleaning crew - yes, good idea with checking out -- packages to give you idea's. Again, I've ordered from here and have been very satisfied with my clean up crew.
3. in the mean time, if you have self control -- check online and at fish stores about the types of fishes you want and can have, check the compatibility if the fishes you want are compatible with each other.
I personally would check out the types of fishes you would want so you can do the research on it before changing your list. This way you can prioritize which fish you want and what types of fishes that are out there. One thing you have to consider is if the fish you want will be okay in your 30 gallon in the fish in it's adult size. As I've read, Tangs will need a bigger tank as it will get large when it grows up!!! If you have a 30 gallon and LR, that cuts down the space in your tank.
Another example, if you were looking into Tangs, they are not compatible with CLowns!!
Also I know you are looking into getting clown fishes right? would you want to get a tank with anemone's and other neat things? you will have to consider the light factor, you will need to get a good light so the expensive anemone's can survive!!!!!!!!!!!
IMO, you have to plan on what you want to get, if you can maintain self control and wait until your tank is cycled!!!!!!
here's another opinion,
I agree with feijax on the following ----
I personally like the lion fish, puffers but I can't keep aggressive fishes in my reef tank. (meaning you can't keep clowns, gobie's) with the neat Lion fishes - because puffy or lion might munch on your $$$ other neat fishes. I meet a woman who said she has a dwarf lion in her tank and if you keep them well fed they wont munch on the little guys -- but youre taking a chance.
Your starter list minus the damsels looks good, but think about adding hermits, snails, etc they will clean the tank and remaining fish foods around!!!
again, i am not an expert, but I learned what I wrote from starting my tank too.. !!! :joy:


Thank you all for your thougt out insights. I have to say, I am impressed with all of your knowledge. I am learning to take this addiction very very slow. It is hard, but I realize that the tank has 2-4 weeks of cycling and that the fish will come far down the road.
I do have the test kit and am testing the water once a day, not sure of it's accuracy, however, I'll get a better one if this one isn't any good. I'll post my readings in a couple of days once I figure them out! :joy:
I am enjoying the LR and the lil creatures that came with it. I have about 9 lbs now, and was thinking of adding another 5-10lbs. Thoughts/suggestion on adequate LR for a 30g?
I assume that adding the cleaning crew in a week or so is OK, assuming my readings aren't too far off normal, or should the cleaning crew be on hold until the cycle is complete also? :notsure:
I do not want to use Damsels for my cycling, got raw shrimp doing that right now. However, any fish/inverts choices I make will definately be down the road and well researched.

Read on here to replace the carbon in my filter w/ LS or Dead sand, anyone doing that and had success?
Thanks again for all you thoughts and suggestions. Happy addictions! :jumping:


Greetings again! First test is done. Can someone direct me somewhere that explains where my numbers need to be? Thanks
Salinity: 30
Gravity: 1.022
pH: 8.05
Alkalinity: 5
Nitrite: .01
Nitrate: <1.0
Temp: 80
Ammonia (lil confused here) Marine Basic Multi Test Kit.
Tests for:
Amonia Free Test: came up Off the scale after 30 minutes or > 3.0
Total Ammonia Test: came up around 0.1 on the scale
I have the raw shrimp decomposing now, so I thought my total ammonia should be off the charts.... :confused:
Anyways, I'll be surfin the boards for info. Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
I would up the SG to 1.024. Ammonia should spike and I'm pretty sure it is with a rotting shrimp in there. Once the ammonia gets pretty high, the nitrites will spike as the bacteria starts consuming the ammonia. Nitrates will do the same thing with the nitrites. It sounds like your tank has only been up for 3 days now so you are far from completing the cycle. Once your levels go back to 0 and your SG and pH are stable, you can start thinking about a cleaning crew as you will notice that you will need it after the cycle.
P.S. What kind of water did you use to fill your tank?


Unfortunately I used Tap water before I read here that that's not the best water. I have changed the water 2 times now with about 3 gallons per change using filtered water.


hehehehe. Yea, well on my way with that game!

Although, I think this weekend I'll get another LR for my tank. From what I've read, 9lbs for a 30 gal is a little light on the LR. I'm thinking probably 15lbs total while it's cycling?
thanks - Dxter