Clown And Anenome


i have a 12g aquapod wanna do two clowns and an anenome...what should i thinking a pair of two small true percs...
also what kind of anenome?
thanks :help:


Utilizing industry breakthrough lighting technology from Current gives optimum output and performance. The ultimate lighting spectrum is achieved by utilizing two Dual SunPaq lamps – which combined with the SunPaq driving system produces over 50% more lumen output then comparable systems. Using a proprietary blend of Nichia phosphors, the dual phosphor technology produces eye popping color rendering, while providing the necessary lumen output for high coral growth. Polished German Parabolic Reflector pumps up the light output while a polycarbonate splash lens protects the lamps and ballasts from corrosion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by brnstr214
Utilizing industry breakthrough lighting technology from Current gives optimum output and performance. The ultimate lighting spectrum is achieved by utilizing two Dual SunPaq lamps – which combined with the SunPaq driving system produces over 50% more lumen output then comparable systems. Using a proprietary blend of Nichia phosphors, the dual phosphor technology produces eye popping color rendering, while providing the necessary lumen output for high coral growth. Polished German Parabolic Reflector pumps up the light output while a polycarbonate splash lens protects the lamps and ballasts from corrosion.
that's not enough lighting. You need metal halides. the 70 watt sunpod is a great fixture to buy.


the 12g aquapods have around 30w pc....thats not exact....i can let you know tomorrow when mine comes but dont think its enough light for an anemone. Clowns are willing to host a bunch of other corals though. Sometimes it takes them a while to decide to host anything though.


so my LFS insisted a buble tip would live no problem...he told me to try it and if it died he'd give me something else.
cross my fingers

bang guy

Percula Clownfish are a perfect fish but please don't kill an Anemone. Try some Green Hairy Mushrooms instead.


in a tank that size if anemone kicks the bucket couldnt that be real bad? as in poluting the water and possibly killing stuff in tank?


There are a number of zoos that get really long stems. Try getting a nice wad of those and the clowns may host in them. I have 2 true percs in my 210g that won't go near my BTA but love my zoos.
I agree with bang - don't kill an anemone.