Originally Posted by RCBruce
I've had the same problem with clownfish. Question....do they look like they are peeling, i.e. slime coming off? This is what happened to mine. I read books like crazy and asked questions till I was horse. Best I could come up with, clowns can be delicate due to having no scales, they are very prone to higher nitrate levels and parasites. I was getting small to medium tank raised fish, going on the school of thought that small fish adapt easier, and tank raised are less stressed, etc. In the end I was responsable for the death of 4 clownfish of various genus.
OK, mad and determinded to have a healthy clown in my tank, I decided to go 180 degrees the other way. I wondered if inbreeding and small size might be playing a role. I purchased a rather large, wild caught clarkii clown. I also added chemi pure to my canister filter, which I can vouch for adds appetite to fish.
Never had one last longer than 2 weeks before. The results so far? You judge>
How long would the peeling slime be there? Ever since the first time the clown died , I was checking this fish constantly. Yesterday morning before I left for the day - looked great swimming etc. Great color no spots etc. Then I came home about 8 hours later - dead. The same thing happened with the other one. I am just confused! The first clown we had - before the circuit break vacation incident we had had a year and a half. He went through everything - being driven down the beltway when I moved , changing rocks , etc. He was the best fish ever. Now ever since I have tried to have one - they die. Im just so confused. Its really rather fustrating.
Is there any sort of disesase the first clown could of had - that shows no symptoms on the fish, and left it in the water - killing the second?