Clown Eggs - Day 5

bang guy


Originally posted by TheRock0861
What in the world are rotifers?

A tiny Phytoplankton consuming creature. It's small, not very mobil, and is quite soft. This makes it ideal food for small fish larvae.


Thanks for the info Bang and where can I get some if I ever need to?

bang guy

I'm trying to torture a few million long enough to produce Rotifer Cysts. Rotifer Cysts are nearly bombproof Rotifers in suspended animation. Similar to Brine Shrimp Eggs.
If I can do that then you can get some from me.


Active Member
jeeze, I'm just impressed that you do all of this research to even get where you are. One more pearl of wisdom on my necklace of knowlege. Or is it the other way around ;) :D


me too IM AMAZED, been following since the first post also
if you stop the posts now I want private e-mails on progress.LOL:D

bang guy


Originally posted by Azonic
How many days does it take for them to hatch?

I think I answered this in a previous thread. It's usually when the eggs are 8 or 9 days old. So in this series it will be day 9 or 10.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I think I answered this in a previous thread. It's usually when the eggs are 8 or 9 days old. So in this series it will be day 9 or 10.

Sorry for asking if I missed it.


Active Member
bagn have you heard of cyclop-eeze? there was an article in fama, i think last march or may, where a gentleman usd the stuff in breedign clowns instead of rotifers.artemia nauplii, etc! the clowns supposedly ate teh food twice daily, and gained their normal color in like 10 or 15 days...which was the fastest the gentleman had ever seen! Might be cheaper than culturing phyto/rotifers! check out for more info, in fact i think they even have a link to the atricle, and one of their distributors is JEHMCO in new jersey which might be close to ya!
good luck
p.s. and please keep the pics and updates coming!
good luck


At the one week mark, you need to do a "retrospective" with photos from 0-7days...
This is an awesome thing to follow- thanks for sharing your experience with us.

bang guy


Originally posted by jonthefb
bagn have you heard of cyclop-eeze?

I feed some to my Chromis and corals. I'm going to use the tried & true method first before I begin to experiment. Cyclop-eze is the new product of the year IMO.


Active Member
SUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh -WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeett!!
I am re-introducing my pair now that the second one has healed up (lots of fin nipping the first go around and he got beat up). Anyhow - good luck!!