clown fish bite


Has anyone been nipped at by there clown fish?? I know I have put my hand in my tank at least a thousand times and all of a sudden to day after having this fish for a year and a few months he decided to bite me it even left a red mark on my hand. lol and it scared the crap out of me :hilarious


Active Member
ILL NEVER stick my hand in my tank b/c my grouper swims around the top of the tank for most of the day until i feed him. sorry about you getting nipped by your clown fish.


Active Member
I got an eel bite, got pretty infected and gross looking.i used to have a tiny scar but it seems to fade somteims, as i can't find it now:notsure:


If you should develop any redness or inflammtion and do go to a medical facility, be sure and let them know you received the bite in a marine eviornment!


i've been biten by many fishes in the scared the crap out of me but never did any serious damage.....all of them happened while i was handfeeding them. but, i still keep on handfeeding all of my fishes.......btw, you've got one bold clown out there...:)


My GSM clown "attacks" my hand whenever my hand is near his anemone. Not really a bite more like a thump to say " out of my territory". Maybe its just mine.

bang guy

A couple of months ago my female Ocellaris tore a chunk of flesh off he back of my hand. Glad no sharks were around because it really bled a lot. I was just grabbing the rock their eggs were on. Now I use tongs.


When I had my domino damsels, they would both come out and slap my fingers with their caudal fins as I attempted to hand-feed my Red General star.


New Member
A clown I had a few years back used to nip at me everytime I fed. I had a Picasso Trigger that nipped me once too. The worst bite I ever had was when I had a freshwater tank and my 9 year old foot long Piranha bit me! I still have a scar on my hand from that one!


Active Member
My perc used to nip on me. Bang, no offense, but that was just a mummy protecting her babies. U got it coming, lol.


My ocell's been trying to bite my hand when I add seaweed to the clip. Now I put the net in the tank just to scare him away and stick in my hand.


Active Member
My maroon slaps the crap out of my hand whin I put it near her anemone. It will scare the crap out of me, even though I know it's coming!


Active Member

Originally posted by Cowpoke
If you should develop any redness or inflammtion and do go to a medical facility, be sure and let them know you received the bite in a marine eviornment!

you quoted that from from oscerduence (sp) didnt you?:thinking: