i have had my clown fish for over a year and suddenly she attacks my hand every time I put it in the water. If I’m doing a water change, taking a water sample, etc. lord forbid I try to move a rock. I added a smaller clown about three months ago and they did the whole “ who’s going to be the dominant one” thing and now they are together all the time. The smaller clown has now gotten bigger but still seems to be the submissive one. ( both are aprox 1 1/2 inches long). My question is will Luke and Leia bully any new fish I get. I’m planning on getting an aquacultured mandarin in the next few months and I’m kinds worried that Leia will attack any other fish I add. Would it be ok or should I add another tank to my collection and move the clowns so I can add more fish to my existing tank. Btw. It’s a 29 gal cube FOWLR tank.