Clown Fish Question


I have a clown fish for approx. 2 months. It has been healthy with no problems. Yesterday I noticed it didnt want to eat and was not swimming right. Today I woke up and there Is a white long string like thing hanging out where I would belive it relieves it self or its openinng down there. Its About 1" long and the fish is about 2" long. What is going on here?


Originally Posted by robertmathern
Stop feeding it Spaghetti noodles sounds to me like it was full of sh*t lol. I think it will be fine
LOL. Well I loved spaghetti and eat it all the time. So I would give it the left overs... So I have been doing some research and I came across diffrent possibilites.
1- It just was full of Sh*t
2-It needs more food varities in its diet. I feed her pellets and 2 times a week frozen mysis shrimp.
3- It has a parasite infection and needs treatment.
She is not acting right and appears sluggish. and didnt eat yesterday..


Active Member
how is she acting today. Those possibilities are pretty much right on the money. I recomend shanging diet a little like feeding silversides. I make my food for my fish. But try switching it up a bit and add some fresh garlic to intice her to eat. See if that helps


Active Member
Originally Posted by robertmathern
how is she acting today. Those possibilities are pretty much right on the money. I recomend shanging diet a little like feeding silversides. I make my food for my fish. But try switching it up a bit and add some fresh garlic to intice her to eat. See if that helps
How do you feed silversides to a 2" clownfish? Clowns are omnivores and need plenty of green stuff (like algae) as well as meaty items. This does sound like a possible internal parasite. I'd re-post this in the disease section; some real fish health pros hang out there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
How do you feed silversides to a 2" clownfish? Clowns are omnivores and need plenty of green stuff (like algae) as well as meaty items. This does sound like a possible internal parasite. I'd re-post this in the disease section; some real fish health pros hang out there.
Are you kidding me. Get a knife and chop it up to small pieces and drop it in whats so hard about that. Ot better yet chop it up in a food processor with some mysis and even a little alge sheet.


Active Member
Definitely feed your fish a varied diet. I use flakes, pellets, frozen foods, freeze dried foods, … and all my fish tear it up. The only thing that my fish don’t seem to care for is freeze dried krill. I also like to add vitamins to the freeze dried foods and flakes for added immunity support.


Active Member
Originally Posted by robertmathern
Are you kidding me. Get a knife and chop it up to small pieces and drop it in whats so hard about that. Ot better yet chop it up in a food processor with some mysis and even a little alge sheet.
Hey! I'm not as dumb as I look! Silverside are fine; but if you want to include fish flesh in a home-brew; its easier & cheaper to use grocery store SW fish. The marketers of silversides spend plenty to keep the fish whole, so they can be fed that way to larger predators---a cost passed on to you. A diet of frozen Formula I & II , along with other frozen foods (mysis, spirulina loaded BS, etc.)is an excellent clown diet--they eat very little fish flesh in the wild.


My clowns hated the silversides...actually all my fish did. I had them for feeding the Ray, and I still have 3 mega packs after we brought her to the aquarium.....I figured if I chopped them up the fish would eat them...NOPE...
I even tried using them for fishing bait at the lake....LOL....even the lake fish didn't want them


So I should Just add more change to there diet. But what about the posibilites of my clown having parasites. She didnt want to eat today. Is there a way to tell if they do or dont?


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Hey! I'm not as dumb as I look! Silverside are fine; but if you want to include fish flesh in a home-brew; its easier & cheaper to use grocery store SW fish. The marketers of silversides spend plenty to keep the fish whole, so they can be fed that way to larger predators---a cost passed on to you. A diet of frozen Formula I & II , along with other frozen foods (mysis, spirulina loaded BS, etc.)is an excellent clown diet--they eat very little fish flesh in the wild.
Ok buddy your right. Sorry you asked the question. Ask a dumb question get a dumb answer:) but for some reason people seem to be scared to make there own food thats why I stated that. you didnt notice I make my own food in my post somewhere up there but I live in florida so I go to a bait shop and get live bait to make food out of. At the end of the day its the same I just think live baiit of course is fresher and cheaper. I didnt think you were as dumb as you look but you got to admit you asked a dumb question.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pepito113
So I should Just add more change to there diet. But what about the posibilites of my clown having parasites. She didnt want to eat today. Is there a way to tell if they do or dont?
Did you chop up fresh (I mean Fresh) garlic and add it to her food. Get a thing of raw garlic at the store foor a couple bucks. Get better food than you got (since your at the store pick up 1 salt water fis fillet and some shrimp and maybe some scallops) chop it all up then chop up a clove of garlic (keep in mind garlic looses its potency in about 3 minutes so act quick) Add it in. She will go after it. Now keep in mind I have a 180 gal and use a hole glove. Dont know what size tank you got so do the math yourself. Also dont throw all the seafood in the tank keep it in the freezer and you have home made food mow Good luck


Originally Posted by robertmathern
Did you chop up fresh (I mean Fresh) garlic and add it to her food. Get a thing of raw garlic at the store foor a couple bucks. Get better food than you got (since your at the store pick up 1 salt water fis fillet and some shrimp and maybe some scallops) chop it all up then chop up a clove of garlic (keep in mind garlic looses its potency in about 3 minutes so act quick) Add it in. She will go after it. Now keep in mind I have a 180 gal and use a hole glove. Dont know what size tank you got so do the math yourself. Also dont throw all the seafood in the tank keep it in the freezer and you have home made food mow Good luck
I will try the homemade fish food idea. The tank is 65g and it has 2 clowns with a CUC. Do u freeze it and then mix it in some tank water? Is there a type of fish fillet I should use and not use???


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
IMO, stop feeding flake and pellet foods.
Can you quarantine this fish?
I dont use flakes. I do use pellets and frozen mysis shrimp. I changed my QT tank. I added and new diffrent filter and changed location. I decieded to cycle it again cuz I felt i rushed it the first time. Waiting for the Nitrites to come down.


Active Member
It dont really matter what type of fillet it is as long as it is a saltwater fish. So no talipia. I usally get either snapper or grouper at the store.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pepito113
So I should Just add more change to there diet. But what about the posibilites of my clown having parasites. She didnt want to eat today. Is there a way to tell if they do or dont?
Did you post this in the disease section of the forum? that's where you should get helpful info. IMO & IME, just changing the diet of an obviously sick fish isn't going to help it. A healthy clown will eat about anything; we can discuss the benefits of different diets from now until doomsday; but that isn't going to help your fish.


Ok Robertmathern. I got a piece of snapper fillet, 2 shrimps, 0ne scallop and a piece of fresh garlic. Put it in the blender and made a fishy smush... Tried to get the smush and get little pieces into my tank. Both clowns went up to the food. smelled it and analized it but didnt eat it??? Did I do something wrong...
On a side note the clown does appear to be more active today. but not eating normal...


Active Member
Thats odd I have never seen a fish not eat it. But keep tring hopfully someone will reply to your other post to help you fish. You didnt do anything wrong thats what I do and the fish love it