Clown id


Labled as a sebae clown, does not look like many ive seen pictured. Has 3 stripes all black and white except yellow face and front fins. help :) here is the best pic i can get.


Active Member
Saddleback Clown - Amphiprion polymnus
Clarkii is more oval shaped - the one in the pic is more perc shaped.


Active Member
Some clowns can have different colors of different patterns. Such as the fals perc can sometimes have 2 stripes instead of three.


Active Member
Had a look on a few sites:
Black percula
Other sites show saddleback nothing like the pic so perhaps your right, it isn't.


Active Member
I take it all back - not saddleback or black percula.
It's body does look oval in those pics.


Looks just like the Black Percs I used to have~! I'm pretty sure its a black perc... Although, you could have some type of hybrid clown... it is possible you know.. hah maybe a sebae and a black perc were mixed... who knows! :D


it doesn't have the same face as a perc though, its more flat and this one has yellow on the ends of its front fins. Oh well as long as i like the fish it really doesn't matter what kind it is right? ;)


i had one of them before and the lfs sold her as a black perc. i didn't believe them and tried doing all kinds of research to id her before also but had no luck. its not a saddleback nor sebae nor clarkii i am sure, and i was thinking that it might be a juvenile of some species but i doubt that too. so i might lean towards it being a hybrid. i'm no anemonefish biologist so i don't know, but it definitely is not easy to id the fish eitherway. please let me know if you can do it. i think they're truly beautiful though and i fell in love with mine when i got her, was so active and beat everyone else to the food and ate everything. i had to return her though since my coral beauty didn't like her for whatever reason. i love my big fat ocellaris i have now, but that unidentified clown was still my favorite


there was also a black and white perc where i got this fish, the perc was $59.99:eek: so i got this one instead, its got more color then the perc. And yes this one is Very agressive when it come to feeding :p


Deffinately not a full black perc. I have a balck perc and it looks nothing like that exept for the black and white stripes. I would lean towards a black perc and a Clarkii/Sebae hybrid.


Looks like a black Claarki to me.
Definitely not a Saddleback or a black perc.
Clark's Clownfish - Amphiprion clarkii
The Clarkii Clownfish is also a highly popular aquarium species. They are sometimes sold under the name of "Sebae" clowns, which is actually the species name of a very different clownfish. Clarkii Clowns can reach a full grown size of about 4 inches, and can be territorial when full grown. This is a species easily cared for in aquariums and will accept a wide variety of foods. All clownfish eat some algae in nature, and this should be included in their diet.
Clarkii Clownfish are the most widely distributed anemonefish in the world, and show a large range of color variation. The color grown at ORA is the yellow-orange variety, which is the most popular, although in most areas the color is usually black with orange on the head and fins. They are one of the least picky species when it comes to host anemones, and will associate with Bubble-Tip, Long Tentacle and Carpet Anemones.
About one in 3,000 clarkii clowns born will show an interesting mutation in their eyes. A pearl white crescent appears in the upper part of the eye. ORA sells these fish as Pearl-eye Clarkii Clowns.