Clown problems?


New Member
I just set up a nano tank. Fluval edge, its been set up and cycled. It has 5lbs of live rock and i even did a water change today. But all night he has stayed at the top in the opening poking his mouth out? is he going to die is basically my main concern right now. what can i do?


WELCOME to SWF.....Can you answer some questions
how long has the tank been set up exactly? What are all of your test readings? Do you have any powerheads for water movement (and oxygen)
How did you get your water change water ready?
how long have you had the clown?
what else is in the tank?


New Member
tank has been set up 2 weeks and he has been in one day all water and rock and sand was bought at a LFS thats why the cycle was so quick most of it was in the same tank. my test show its all good i may of had a tad bit of ammonia but i tested it about 30mins ago after the water change and had 0 and yes there is a power head but oxygen ? umm no? the water change it was pre-mixed from the fish store where everything has come from. and nothing els is in the tank aside from some mushrooms on the rock and a snail.


New Member
Just from what I've been told and learned, two weeks is way too soon. Mines at 7 months and I just now got a pair. I wish I could help you more but all I can give for advice is patience and go slow. I'm sure the other guys and gals can help you out and good luck with your clown.


Active Member
If you have any ammonia, under any circumstances, you're tank is not ready for fish. What are you using for bio-filtration? 5# of LR is not enough to establish a bio-filter in any size tank.