Clown tries to host


So after a couple of days of gettin an anenome, it seems that my clown fish is finally hosting. Im not sure but it seems that the clown is strugglin to get in and the and aenome does not want to fully open..the clown tries and tries.Is this normal or can he stress the anenome out!!!!??????

bang guy

If the Anemone isn't large enough it can be very stressful. The width of the Anemone should be at least 4 or 5 times the length of the Clownfish.


Comparing with the size of my anenome and my clown fish, your anenome is really small for the fish.
My fish took about 4 days to host the anenome and the anenome is stressed for the first a few days.
Hope it helps.


So clown is still trying to host .. Still anenome has not fully opened unless thats what they supposed to look like.. Is is normal? or anenome trying to playin hard to get?


NOW Im very concerned cause now the anenome move and attached somewhere else how do I make clown stop botherin it!!!!??????????

shrimpy brains

Has it just been one day since you got the nem, or has this ben going on for a while??
Could there be another issues here? Lighting, water params??
That nem looks like it would be plenty big once it opens up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Has it just been one day since you got the nem, or has this ben going on for a while??
Could there be another issues here? Lighting, water params??
That nem looks like it would be plenty big once it opens up!
Agree, give it a few more days.
Your avatar has me wondering.


So OMG! I did do what some suggested,and let them get to know eachother.BAD!! The anenome looked so bad I thought he was dead he was shriveled and the clown was still persistant. I finally seperated them and house the anenome seperate hopin a miracle.. Sure enough the next day he was open again... the clown is trying to get in.... now I really dont know what to do . Will the clown leave him if I get another anenome.. Large ones r hard to come by.


tonite will b the nite to determine how he will do... All parameters r fine. He is alone but looks very stressed hope he can make it


Well clownfish is occupied with another anenome. its trying to recuperate on its own. he found a spot in back of rocks, which sucks but he looks better.