Clown with no stripes?


They've done well since day 1. They started pecking at things the very second they wet into my QT so I tried feeding them and they ate right away. Always a good sign. I've had them a few months now and they are the most active things in my tank.


After years of reefing, these guys are my favorite fish. Too bad I don't have the resources to see what the results are when these guys breed. But who knows, maybe in the future I will be able to try it. Then we can test the genetics vs environment theory.

bang guy

Originally Posted by jedininja
After years of reefing, these guys are my favorite fish. Too bad I don't have the resources to see what the results are when these guys breed. But who knows, maybe in the future I will be able to try it. Then we can test the genetics vs environment theory.
I would bet that the offspring would have stripes.


Staff member
Wow, that is so amazing looking. I love clowns too. Definately my fav reef fish.


I think that most of them will have stripes, but that a small # of the might come out with no stripes. I'll have to wait and see.


Originally Posted by cynelson
isn't that a clown goby?

I can see how you would think that it might be a glown goby. It does somewhat have that general shape in its face. But look at the fins and back of the body. Its all clown.
Hey Carrie, sorry for the thread hyjack!